Bunbury Residents 1899
Post Office Directory courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia. The originals can be viewed on the State Library of Western Australia’s website: Original Post Office Directory.
Note: All spellings are as they appear in the directory.
Abrahamson,, A., fisherman
Abrolhos Guano and Adelaide S.S. Co. Limited (Robert
Forrest, agent)
Ah, Lee, greengroser
Allan, John, foreman railway
Alting, J. M., tinsmith
Anderson, Miss A.
Anderson, Axel
Angus, George
Angus, H. L., store
Armitage, W. B., bootmaker
Armstrong, Walter
Arnot, A.
Ashton, Mrs Blanche, matron hospital
Atkins, William Alexander, general merchant
Aylett, James, carpenter
Baker, Edward W., shop assistant
Balding, Charles, architect
Baldock & Company (J.G.), conch builders,
undertakers,wood & iron workers; importers of (&
agents for manufacturers) farm & agricultural
implements; dealers in china, glass & crockery;
builders & general ironmongery & carpenters
Baldock, John G. (J. G. Baldock & Company)
Banting, Charles
Banting, John, building contractor
Banting, John, junior, engine driver
Banting, Thomas, carpenter
Barker, John, fireman
Barnett, Daniel
Barnett, Fred S.
Barret, Peter D., engine driver
Bartleet, Alfred, carpenter
Bartleet, Edward, carpenter
Bartley, Miss A., dressmaker
Beach, S. G. (Harris & Beach)
Bellingham, George, Railway department
Berry, John, carter
Birchall, John, tailor
Bishop, Mrs J., nurse
Blackmore, Alfred A., chief clerk, Loco. department
Blythe, Albert, gardener
Blythe, Herbert
Blythe, Mrs James, boarding house keeper
Bogue, Fred A., brewer
Bogue, William
Bond, Henry
Boswell, Albin, contractor
Boswell, John, contractor
Boswell, Mrs
Boundy, William S.
Boundy, William T., furniture dealer
Boyce, John William, fisherman
Bradshaw & Company (H.), commission agents & livery
Braund, Louis, compositor
Braund, Robert
Bray, Charles
Bray, Friend, wheelwright
Bray, Mrs, boarding house
Brittain, Edward
Brittain, Jacob, carter
Brittain, Thomas
Brittain, W., undertaker
Brockman, Charles
Brooke, H. Pier Hotel
Bronsdon, John A., cabinet maker
Brown, George, bricklayer
Brown, Henry, bricklayer
Brown, Thomas, inspector perth way
Brown, William, wheelwright
Brown, William, manager, H. J. Yelverton
Buchanan, Reverend Andrew (Congregational Church)
Buckenara, Thomas, saddler
Buck, Louis, water police
Buckle, Johnathan, wheelwright
Bull, William, carpenter
Bunbury Brewery Company Limited, brewers
Bunbury Brick Sydney, brickmakers
"BUNBURY HERALD (THE)" (Stephen J. Cusack,
Bunbury Race Club (W. S. Hales, secretary)
Burcham, W. E. C., bailiff
Burden, H. W. J.
Burt, Williams
Buswell, Albert, farmer
Buswell, Arthur
Buswell, Mrs Eliza
Buswell, Joseph
Buswell, W. J., brickmaker
Butler, Joseph P.
Cahill, Patrick
Campey, George R., carter
Caporn, Fred Samuel, saddler
Caporn, Henry
Carandal, Mrs H. R. M.
Carey, Mrs Rose
Carlisle, Frederick, Gordon's Hotel
Carlyle, Mrs
Carpenter, Sydney J., manager brewery
Carr, John H., M.P.S., R.D.S. pharmaceutical chemist
& dentist. Victorian street
Carroll, Samuel L., district officer P.W. department
Carroll, A., hairdresser
Carroll, John
Cass Brothers, drapers
Cass, Albert
Cass, Berry (Cass Brothers)
Cass, Charles (Cass Brothers)
Catlett, Waldo E., jeweller
Catternach, William
Chamber of Commerce, (George E. Reading, secretary)
Choong & Company (J.G.), storekeepers
Christie & Sons (G.), watchmakers, jewellers &
fancy goods importers & circulating library.
Christie, Allan D. (Christie & Sons)
Christie, George (Christie & Sons)
Christie, Miss Annie E.
Christie, Archibald R. (Christie & Sons)
Clark & Company (John), storekeepers
Clark, John (J. C. & Company)
Clark, Staley C., shop assistant
Clarke, Ephriam Mayo, storekeeper, merchant &
importer, Stirling street
Cleal, Edward
Cleal, Mrs, dressmaker
Cleveland, Frank
Clifton Brothers, dairymen
Clifton, Charles (Clifton Brothers)
Clifton, Gervase (Clifton Brothers)
Clifton, Marshall W., farmer
Clifton, Richard H., carpenter
Clively, Herbert E., secretary Mechanical Institute
Coles, Felix, painter
Collins, John O., Union Bank
Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited. (fire &
marine) (Honorary W. Spencer M. L. C. agent)
Connele, John
Connor, Mrs James
Connor, Mrs Mary
Cooke, Eley, greengrocer
Cooke, John Henry, foreman timber mills
Coombes, Albert, store assistant
Coombes, James, store
Coombes, Mrs E., dressmaker
Coplestone, Herbert W., fancy repos
Costello, John
Coverley, William, carter
Cridland, Mrs Eliza
Crocker, David A., grocer
Cross, William, carter
Crossley, Edward, plumber
Cusack, Stephen J. (Herald, tri-weekly)
Cusack, Stephen W., journalist
Dannock, Henry
Darling, Reverend H. (English)
Davidson, Robert, commercial traveller
Dawson, John, guard
Dean, Arthur
Dean, Mrs A.
Deadman, George, inspector perth way
Delaney, John, carter
Delaney, Thomas, bootmaker
Delaporte, Aubrey, carter
Delaporte, Herbert, carter
Delaporte, Thomas
Delaporte, William
De Prada, C. D.
Dixon, James, auctioneer
Dixon, Mrs S. M.
Dorance & Company (J.), tailors
Dorance, James
Doyle, Patrick, railway guard
Duce, John
Duffell, William
Eastman, Kenneth McCaskill, barrister & solicitor,
Stephen Street
Eaton, W., carpenter
Egglestone, Charles, Federal Hotel
English, James Emmett C., caterer
Erskine, Evellyn P., customs clerk
Erskine, Hugh, storekeeper
Evans, Alfred L., clerk
Evans, Thomas, guard
Everington, James W. (Brashaw & Company)
Farrell, Henry I., town clerk & surveyor
Farrell, Timothy
Fee, William, clerk goods shed
Ferris, Miss, dressmaker
Flood, Denis, storekeeper
Flood, Mrs J.
Floyd, Mrs G. W.
Flynn, Ignatius J., medical practitioner
Foreman, Arthur R.
Forrest, George, roller flour mills
Forrest, Robert, Koombana steam roller flour mills
Fraenkell, Charles (Prosser & Fraenkell)
Fraser, John, cabinet maker
Freeman, L., watchman railway department
Freeman, William
Fry, Thomas, bricklayer
Ganfield, Mrs William, miller
Gibbs, Athelstan, cashier post office
Gibbs, Harold W. (J. & H. Gibbs)
Gibbs, J. & H., contractors. & undertakers
Gibbs, Ernest, carpenter
Gibbs, James D., carpenter
Gibbs, John
Gibson, Ernest
Gibson, George, carter
Gibson, Henry
Gibson, Walter, market gardener
Gibson, William, market gardener
Gibson, William, junior
Giddens, H., carter
Gilmour, Robert, bicycle agent
Gordan, Harold C. Gordons Hotel
Gourley, W. F., railway surveyor
Greene, Arthur, police constable
Green, John, police constable
Green, Mrs W. F., restaurant
Griffen, Bernard
Hadlow Brothers, bakers
Hadlow, Arthur (Hadlow Brothers)
Hales & Spencer, accountants, insurance, customs,
shipping & forwarding agents &c Spencer's buildings.
Hales, Walter S. (Hales & Spencer)
Hall, Richard
Hammett, William
Hands, John E., merchant
Hannah, J.
Hardey, E. J., telephone lineman
Hardey, R. J.
Harding, G., engine driver
Harding, Mrs J., boarding house keeper
Harrington, D.
Harrington, Joseph, carpenter
Harris & Beach, Tailors Victoria Street
Harris, A. T., tobacconist
Harris, J. E. (Harris & Beach)
Harvey, Edwin, hairdresser
Harvey, Henry
Hastie, Charles L., contractor
Hastie, James, locomotive depot
Hastie, John, carter
Hastie, Walter, blacksmith
Hatfield, Henry D., architect
Hatton, William
Hay, D. A., auctioneer
Hay, Mrs M., store
Hayes, Andrew
Hayes, William, farmer
Haysed, Albert
Hayward & Son (Thomas) merchants, importers &
general storekeepers; agents for agricultural machinery
Hayward, George (Hayward & Son)
Hayward, Thomas Justice of the Peace (Hayward
& Son)
Healy, James, brickmaker
Hedley, Joseph, carpenter
Henderson, Andrew
Henderson, George, builder
Hennessey, Patrick
"HERALD" ("THE BUNBURY") (published Tuesdays,
Thursdays & Saturdays) (Stephen J. Cusack,
Hickman, J., billard marker
Hill, Charles R., bricklayer
Hislop, James, boarding house
Hislop, James, junior
Hislop, Mrs J. junior
Hislop, Walter, carpenter
Hislop, William, railway guard
Holland, Archebald (Bunbury Brewery & Company)
Holtsman, H., plumber
Honey, Lionel R., clerk
Hooker Brothers, timber merchants
Hosking, E., plumber & ironworker
Hough, Joseph, dairy farmer
Hough, Owen W., landing waiter
Hough, Robert, butcher
Houghton, Robert, firewood dealer
Houlahan, Mrs Eliza
House, Charles, carter
Huddart, Parker & Company Limited, (T. Hayward &
Son, agents)
Hunter & Company Limited (John), A.D. Sharpe,
Hynes, T., farmer, Waterloo
Iffla, Charles H., bookseller
Iles, William
Illingworth, John C., Rose Hotel
Imperial Jarrah Wood Corporation
James, George F.
Jaques, Charles
Jaques, James
Jarrah Timber & Wood Paving Corporation Limited
(James C. Port, manager for W.A.). Head Colonial office
& mills, Bunbury
Jarvis, Edward, carter
Jarvis, Evan, brickmaker
Jarvis, Frederick
Jarvis, George, carpenter
Jarvis, James G.
Jarvis, Ross, carter
Jarvis, William, bricklayer
Jeffery, James, farmer
Jeffery, Miss Agnes, teacher
Jeffery, Thomas, farmer
Jeffery, Thomas T., junior, agent
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, James
Johnston, Herbert F.
Johnston, J. F., Justice of the Peace, farmer
Jones, George W., accountant &c. Victoria street
Jones, G. W., fishmonger
Jones, William, bricklayer
Kelly, Maxwell, seedsman
Kennedy, Thomas, constable
Kidson, John M., confectioner
King, George
King, John, brickmaker
King, Henry, gardener
King, William, Wellington Hotel
Kirton & Company chemist
Kirton, Richard (Kriton & Company)
Knight, A. E.
Knox, Thomas W., coach builder
Lawrence, George
Lawrence, Miss Harriett, boarding house
Lawrence, Mrs E. H.
Lawson, Thomas
Leake, Frederick, Government stores depot
Learman, Henry, storekeeper
Lee, Arthur, telephone operator
Lee, Mrs Thomas
Lee, Woh, fruiterer
Lenson, William
Levenitzkie, Charles, clerk railway depot
Logan, Alan, compositor
Long, Thomas, plasterer
Lowrie, John, farmer
McGowan, Clement, railway depot
McInarney, Michael J., compositor
McKean, John, railway
Mckernan, John, mail contractor
Maddren, William, barman
Maguire, Charles F., baker
Main, J. P. F., outdoor locomotive support
Mainstone, Benjamin T. fruiterer
Mann, Arthur S., photographic artist: portraiture &
enlargements; nice selection of views of the beautiful
scenery around Bunbury, Victoria street
Manning, James
Marsh, W. L., proprietor, Prince of Wales Hotel
Marshall, E. D., dentist
Martelli, Reverend L. M. (Roman Catholic)
Martin, Joseph, bricklayer
Maslin, Thomas
Masonic Hall (E. Woodrow, trustee)
Maxted, Williams & Company drapers, milliners &
Maxted, Edward, (Maxted, Williams & Company)
Mend, M. & F. photographers
Mechanics' Institute, (H. E. Clively, secretary)
Melvin, Donald B., butcher
Metcalfe, Miss A., shop assistant
Mews, Miss Edith, teacher
Meyer, H., butcher
Milligan, Joseph
Mills, Alexander, wood turner
Mills, Mrs A., store
Mitchell, Frederick, police sergeant
Mitchell, William Bedford, commercial agent
Monkhouse, John, clerk post office
Moore, James, Justice of the Peace
Moore, Sir Newton John, surveyor
Morgan, Charles, brickmaker
Morgan, William, ganger perth way
Moyle, Charles, railway
Mulligan, Patrick, police constable
Munday, James, carpenter
Munroe, Alex
Nagel, George
Naylor, Joseph, storekeeper
Naylor, Richard
Newman, C. H., machinist
New Zealand Insurance Company (H. Brashaw &
Company (fire) & (Hales & Spencer (marine), agents)
Nisbit, John, police constable
Norrie, Mrs W., dressmaker
North, Brownlow, treasury clerk
North, Daniel
North, Henry, bricklayer
North, Mrs H., dressmaker
North, Mrs M. A., storekeeper
Norton, Arthur, accountant W.A. bank
O'conner, Dennis C., gaoler
Ogilvie, W., clerk Union Bank
Oldham, John
Oxford Photographic Studios
Paine, James
Paine, Mrs F. confectioner
Paine, William, foreman locomotive depot.
Paisley, Thomas W., teacher
Parker, Gilbert, painter
Parsons, Henry, railway
Pasmore, Mrs C., Parade Hotel
Payne, Mrs Ann, boarding house
Petrie, George, clerk
Philips, Henry, hairdresser
Pickersgill, Joshua
Plane, Reverend A. C. (Wesley Uniting Church)
Pomeroy, William, clerk
Port, James
Port, James C., manager Jarrah Corporation Limited
Poulson, Alex
Powel & Ramsay, blacksmiths
Powel, Arthur (Powel & Ramsey)
Prince of Wales Hotel (W. L. Marsh, propetietor)
Properjohn, Edward
Prosser & Fraenkell, boot & shoe manufacturers &
importers; tanners, hide, skin & wool merchants &c.
Victoria street; Factory South Bunbury
Prosser, Benjamin
Prosser, Henry, bootmaker
Prosser, Robert
Prosser, Wallace
Pugh, Alfred, Cricketers' Hotel
Quain, Thomas, contractor
Ramsay, John, butcher
Ramsay, Mrs Ann, storekeeper
Ramsay, William C. (Powell & Ramsay)
Reading & Sons (H. E.) Proprietor of "Southern Times"
& ice, aerated water & bottling works
Reading, George E. (Reading & Sons)
Reading, Henry F. W. (Reading & Sons)
Reading, Henry E., Justice of the Peace (Reading &
Reading, William J. (Reading & Sons)
Reid, Captain William
Reid, John, railway
Reitman, Henry W.
Remington, Louis, foreman locomotive depot
Richards, Benjamin
Rigdon, Charles
Rigg, Henry
Rigg, Hubert F., carpenter
Robinson, G.
Robinson, James
Robinson, L., clothier
Robinson, Walter C. station master
Rodgers, Joseph
Rodwell, George
Rodwell, Mrs
Rodwell, William, carpenter
Rose, George C., Justice of the Peace
Rose, Robert H., Justice of the Peace
Roxburgh, Ernest A., accountant Union Bank
Royle, Frederick, railways
Ruck, Charles, fisherman
Ryan, Miss, dressmaker
Salter, W. K., boarding house
Sampson, John, medical practitioner
Schodde, William F., saddler
Scott, Mrs John
Scott, Robert
Sharpe, Harry W.
Sharpe, August D., manager, J. Hunter Limited
Shaw Brothers, photography
Shaw & Hearn, ironmongers
Shaw, Ernest (Shaw & Hearn)
Shaw, John, tailor
Shaw, John
Shepard, Miss, dressmaker
Shivers, A., farmer, Waterloo
Simmons, Charles E. compositor
Sinclair, Albert, railway
Sinclair, Daniel
Sinclair, John, light keeper
Sinclair, John, junior
Singer Manufacturing Company. (sewing machines) (C. L.
Scholz, agent).
Sloan, A. W.
Sloan, James, aerated water manufacturer
Snell, Alfred S., traffic manager
Spencer & Sons (William), merchants & importers,
Victoria & Stephen streets.
Spencer, Augustus F. (William Spencer & Sons)
Spencer, Charles H. (William Spencer & Sons)
Spencer, Llewellyn (Hales & Spencer)
Spencer, Honorary Thomas E., Member of the
Legislative Council
Spencer, William, Justice of the Peace
Stafford, Frank E. L., manager West Australia Bank
Stranger, William, caterer
Stanley, Money & Walker, barristers, solicitors &
Stathy, A., fishmonger
Steere, Frederick W., architect
Stevenson, D., drapers' assistant
Stone, Frederick
Stokes, Thomas, aerated water manufacturer
Sutcliffe, Walter, clerk
Sutherland, A. A., storekeeper
Sutherland, Thomas
Teede, Alfred
Teede, George F., tobacconist
Teede, George R., clerk of court
Teede, John, compositor
Teede, Mrs F. J.
Temple & Company (Alfred D.)
Thomas, Edwin H., law clerk
Thomson, Edward H.
Thornton & Company, grain & produce merchants,
Wellington street.
Thornton, Thomas G. (Thornton & Company)
Timperely, Clayton, clerk
Timperely, Forrest B., clerk West Australian Bank
Timperely, Fred H., auctioneer
Timperely, William H., registered magistrate
Tomkinson, W. G., foreman tannery
Trigwell, Henry J., blacksmith
Trott, George
Trott, Henry
Trott, James, bricklayer
Trott, Thomas
Tunks, A., railway clerk
Tuxford, John J., merchant
Tyler, Andt, farmer
Tyler, Enoch, farmer
Union bank of Australia Limited (J. C. C. Windsor,
Upson, George, fisherman
Vaughan, James E., constable
Vaughan, Joseph (J. Dorance & Company)
Veale, Mrs Julia, baker
Wagner, Albert James, barrister, solicitor, notary public
& commissioner for affidavits for Western Australia
Walker, John L. (Stanley, Money & Walker)
Walker, Mrs, dressmaker
Walker, William
Wallis, Matthew E., builder
Walradt, W., butcher
Walsh, Chris, locomotive department
Walsh, John, restaurant
Waters, Patrick, carter
Watson, Thomas
Watts, F. J., boarding house
Weichert, A., carpenter
Weiss, Benjamin
Weiss, Hyman, storekeeper
Weiss, Soloman
Wellington Agricultural Society, (W.S. Hales, secretary)
Wenn, Frank
Wenn, James, carpenter
Wenn, James R.
Wenn, Simeon W., carter
Wenn, Terence
Western Australia Bank (F. E. L. Stafford, manager)
White, James, farmer
White, John
White, Joseph, contractor
White, Michael, railway guard
White, William, carter
Wilkes, Thomas, fencer
Wilkin, William J., police constable
Wilkinson, Frederick J.
Willey, Charles, carter
Williams, D. Ernest, Government medical officer
Williams, Percy J. general storekeeper, Vasse Road.
Wilson, John, police constable
Wimbridge, Aubrey
Wimbridge, William, Wellington Hotel
Windsor, J. C. C., manager Union Bank
Wiseby, Mrs Ann
Withers & Company (J. J.) storekeepers
Withers, Edward, carter
Withers, Joseph J. (J. J. Withers & Company)
Withers, Reverend Joseph
Woodhead, James, land agent
Woodhead, Mrs L., fancy repository
Woodrow, Claude, postal clerk
Woodrow, Edward, postmaster, reg. B.,d.,m.&
Secretary Educational Board
Worsley, Fred, bandmaster
Wright, James W.
Wright, Robert, plasterer
Robert Forrest (1854-1924)
John Allan
John Manus Alting
Clara S. Anderson
Axel Anderson
George Angus
Henry Laurence Angus
Walter John Armstrong (- 1944). Married Beatrice White
(-1941). Children were Gladys Catherine, Herbert Walter,
Kathleen, Louisa Beatrice, Nellie Thelma, Percy Neil and
Raymond John.
Blanche Frances Ashton (1852-1934)
William Alexander Atkins (c1835-1918)
James Aylett
Edwards W. Baker
Charles Balding
John G. Baldock
John G. Baldock
Charles Banting
John Banting (-1902)
John Banting junior
Thomas Banting
John Barker
Daniel Barnett
Fred S. Barnett
Peter D. Barret
Alfred Bartleet
Edward Bartleet
George Bellingham
John Berry
John Birchall
Alfred A. Blackmore
Albert Ogilvy Blythe (-1928). Married Jane Britton.
Children were Herbert Albert, Thomas, Rebecca,
Comfort Maria, Jacob William, May, Ada Rachel, Lila
jane, Jane, Albert Olgily, Edward, Horace, Percy and
Herbert Blythe
Fred A. Bogue
William Bogue
Henry Bond
Albin Boswell
John Boswell
William S. Boundy
William T. Boundy
John William Boyce
Harry Bradshaw
Louis Braund
Robert Braund
Charles Bray
Friend Bray
Edward Brittain
Jacob Brittain
Thomas Brittain
Charles Brockman
Henry Brooke
John A. Bronsdon
George Brown
Henry Brown
Thomas Brown
William Brown
William Brown
Reverend Andrew Buchanan (1831-1923)
Thomas Buckenara
Louis Buck
Jonathan Buckle
William Bull
Stephen J. Cusack
William Edward Carter Burcham (-1952) Married
Rhoda Jane Hough (1891-). Child was Vera Coral
Williams Burt
Albert J. Buswell, Married Margaret M Byrne (1913)
Arthur Buswell
Eliza Buswell nee Cross (-1914). Married Joseph
Buswell. Children were Alban, Arthur, Ellen Jane,
Henry, Selina, Walter John and 3 sons named Joseph
who died in infancy( 1870, 73 and 76).
Joseph Buswell
Walter John Buswell (-1930). Married Emma Elliott
(1893-). Children were Daisy, Eliza Miolia, Elliott,
Hannah and Jack
Joseph P. Butler
Patrick Cahill
George R. Campey
Frederik Samuel Caphorn (-1949). Married Margaret
Sinclair (1890-). Children were George Jeffery, Eric
Hopetoun, Frederick John and Cummerford
Ringwood Sinclair
Henry Caporn (-1949). Married Harriet Buskerville (1873-).
Children Were Henry Charles and Mary Anne Harriet
Rose/Rosa Carey nee Strickland (- 1911). Married
Thomas Campbell Carey ( -1884) . Children were Clara
Carlotta and Dora.
Frederick Carlisle
Sydney J. Carpenter
John Horatio Carr, Married Henrietta Cantrell.
Children were Doris May and Ethel Henrietta.
Samuel L. Carroll
John Carroll
Albert Cass
Berry Cass
Charles Cass
Waldo Ernest Catlett (1870-1937)
William Catternach
George E. Reading
George Christie and son Allan D, Christie, George's
other son was Archibald Christie.
Allan D. Christie
George Christie
Annie E. Christie
Archibald R. Christie
John Clark
Staley C. Clark
Ephraim Mayo Clark (-1921). Married Louisa Frances
Teede (- 1938). Children were Alfred Pearson, Alice
Elvie, Arthur Hubert, Arthur Raymond, Charles Lionel,
Edith Bertha, Ephraim Mervyn, George Ephraim,
Gwendoline Victoria, Janet Louise, Maurice Brett.
Edward Cleal
Frank Cleveland
Charles Clifton
Gervase Clifton
Marshall Waller Clifton (-1904). Married his cousin
Louisa Clifton. Children were Cecily, Dorothy, Douglas
Theodore, Francis Carmalt, Gervase, Grace Harritt,
Helen Beatrice, Jessie Christina, Marshall Waller,
Reginald and Rosena Josephine.
Richard H. Clifton
Herbert E. Clively
Felix Coles
John O. Collins
Honorary William Spencer
John Connele
Mary Connor
Eley Cooke
John Henry Cooke, Married Emily Wisbey (-1927).
Children were Eva Janet, Frederick Eley, Herbet
Christopher, Launa Blanche, Leonard Charles, Roy
Wisbey, Vera Elizabeth and Wesley John.
Albert Coombes
James Coombes
Herbert Coplestone
John Costello
William Coverley
Eliza Cridland
David A. Crocker
William Cross
Edward Crossley, Married Theodosia Kate Withers.
Children were Marjorie Enid, Muriel Ann and Samuel
Stephen J. Cusack (-1899). Children are Stephen,
William, Sidney, Charles
Stephen W. Cusack
Henry Dannock
Robert Davidson
John Dawson
Arthur Dean
George Deadman
John Delaney
Thomas Delaney (-1904) 76 yo, married Bridget M
Whitagan Children are, John, Thomas, Mary, Margaret,
Ctherine and Elizabeth
Aubrey Delaporte
Herbert Delaporte
Thomas Delaporte
William Delaporte
James Henry Dixon, Married Sarah Maria Mainwaring.
Children were Constance Harcourt.
Sarah Maria Dixon
James Dorance
Patrick Doyle (-1909 45yo)
John Duce
William Duffell
Kenneth McCaskill Eastman
Charles Eggleson, Married Minnie Ursula Darcy in 1893.
Children were Frank Darcy and Frederick.
James Emmett C. English
Evellyn P. Erskine
Hugh Erskine
Alfred L. Evans
Thomas Evans
James W. Everington
Henry I. Farrell
Timothy Farrell
William Fee
Denis Flood
Fanny Floyd
Ignatius Joseph Flynn (-1944) Sons were Frank, Michael,
John, Joe, Dan and Leo and had 5 daughters.
Arthur R. Foreman
George Forrest
Robert Forrest
Charles Fraenkell
John Fraser
William Freeman
Thomas Fry
Husband is William Ganfield
Athelstan Gibbs
Harold W. Gibbs
Ernest Gibbs
James D. Gibbs
John Gibbs
Ernest Gibson
George Gibson
Henry Gibson
Walter Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson junior
Robert Gilmour
Harold C. Gordan
Arthur Greene
John Green
Amy Green
Bernard Griffen
Arthur Hadlow
Walter Hales
Richard Hall
William Hammett
John Edward Hands (-1901, yo 83)
Joseph Harrington
Edwin Harvey
Henry Harvey
Charles Little Hastie (1834-1916)
James Hastie
John Hastie
Walter Hastie
Henry D. Hatfield
William Hatton
David Alexander Hay
Mary Hay
Andrew Hayes
William Hayes
Albert Haysed
Thomas Hayward
George Hayward
Thomas Hayward
James Healy
Joseph Hedley
Andrew Henderson
George Henderson
Parrick Hennessey
Stephen J. Cusack
Charles R. Hill
James Henry Hislop, Married Bridget Mulqueen.
Children were Alfred, Bertha Louise, Henry, James
Henry, Maria Esther, Rachel, Rebecca Maud, Thomas
Neale, Walter and William.
James Hislop Junior, Married Ann Eliza North (-1922).
Children were Agnes Marjorie, Albert Leslie, Beatrice
Mary Ann, Edith Maud, Ethel May, Frederick North, Henry
Walter, James John Henry and Violet Searle.
Ann Eliza Hislop
Walter Hislop
William Hislop, Married Alice Rodwell. Children were
Ada Alice, Edith May, Fanny, George William, James
Walter and Vera Pearl.
Archebald Holland
Lionel R. Honey
Joseph Hough, Married Annie K (-1921, 49yo).
Children were Gracie, James, Evelyn and Thomas.
Owen William Hough (1865-1943). Married Eva Agnes
Ramsey in 1890. Children were Dorothy Rhoda, Elsie
Enid, John Robert, Stanley Owen and Winifred
Robert Hough (-1901, 32yo). Married Harriet Agnes Trott.
Children were Alma Gertrude, Amy Anita, Elvie Eileen
Mary, Hilda Ellen and Meena Alethea and Phyllis
Veronica who both died in infancy.
Robert Houghton
Eliza Houlahan
Charles House
Parker Huddart
Charles H. Iffla
William Iles
John C. Illingworth
George F. James
Charles Jaques
James Jaques
James C. Port
Edward Jarvis
Evan Jarvis
Frederick Jarvis
George Jarvis
James George Jarvis (1846-1912). Married Marie
Spencer. Children were Alice May, Charles Bertram,
Edward Thomas, Ernest William, Frank, Frederick John,
James George, Leonard George, Louisa Emma and
Ross Jarvis
William Jarvis
James Jeffery
Agnes Jeffery
Thomas Jeffery
Thomas T. Jeffery Junior
Henry Johnson
James Johnson
Herbert F. Johnston
John F. Johnston
George W. Jones
William Jones
Maxwell Kelly
Thomas Kennedy
John M. Kidson
George King
John King
Henry King
William King
Richard Kirton
Thomas W. Knox
George Lawrence, Married Ellen Jane Buswell. Children
were Agnes Emily, Daisy Alma, Francis May, George
David, Leslie Walter, Mary Maria, Minna Ellen and Preston
Harriett Lawrence
Rose Annette Johnston, Married Edward Hayes
Lawrence in 1883.
Thomas Lawson
Frederick Leake
Henry Learman ( -1917). Married Catherine Armstrong
Morrison (-1904, 72yo). Children were Henry and Rachel
Arthur Lee
Woh Lee
William Stanford Lenson, Married Isabella Simpson
Pereira (-1947). Children were Francis Charles, Jane
Elizabeth, Selwyn Forrest and William Stanford.
Charles William Levitzke (-1909). Married Janie
Maggie Reid. Children were Charles William and
Jeanie (died 1 day old).
Alan Logan
Thomas Long
John Lowrie
Clement McGown
Michael McInarney
John McKean
John McKernan, Married May Agnes Moulton (-1929).
Children were Edward Walter, Esther Ellen and William
William Maddren
Charles F. Maguire
Benjamin Mainstone
Arthur S. Mann
James Manning
Reverend Louis M. Martelli (-1923)
Joseph Martin
Thomas Maslin, Married Sarah Andrews Thomas.
Children were Amelia, Elizabeth, Letitia, Sarah Anne and
William Henry.
Edward Maxted
Donald B. Melvin
Edith Emily Mews
Joseph Milligan (-1944). Married Elizabeth Fee. Children
were James Forbes Fee, Marguerite Evelyn Elizabeth,
Mary Kathleen and William Joseph.
Alexander Mills
Frederick Mitchell
John Monkhouse
James Moore
Sir Newton John Moore
Charles Morgan
William Morgan
Charles Moyle
Patrick Mulligan
James Munday
Alex Munroe
George Nagel
Joseph Henry Naylor (-1917). Married Elizabeth Hall.
Children were Ann Harriet, Dora, George Henry, Lina
Gladys, Maria, Mary Jane, Richard and William John.
Richard Naylor
John Nisbit
Brownlow North
Daniel North
Henry North
Mary A. North
Arthur Norton
Dennis C. O'conner
John Oldham
James Paine
William Paine
Thomas William Paisley (-1928). Married Martha Rabiney
McGregor (-1949). Children were Cyril John, Ivy Gladys,
Leslie William, Selwyn Addey, Thomas McGregor and
Vera Agnes Margaret.
Gilbert Parker
Henry Parsons
Caroline Jane Passmore nee Webb (c- 1968. 92yo).
Married Charles Christian Passmore (c- 1961, 92yo).
Children were Charles Raymond, Cyril Donald, Henry
Ivor and Horace Mervyn.
Ann Payne
George Petrie
Henry Philips
Joshua Pickersgill (-1935). Married Susan Gibson
(-1956). Children were Amelia Ann, Charles, Cyril,
Edith, Edward James, Ernest Leslie, George, Walter,
Roy and William Henry.
Reverend Alfred Charles Plane. Married Elizabeth
Agnew. Children were Elvie, Ivy May, Leslie Garfield
and Roy Erskine (died 1yo).
William Pomeroy
James Port
James Cornish Port, Married Emma Hayman.
Alex Poulson
Arthur Powel
Edward Alan Properjohn (c- 1942). Married Ruby Ethel
Earl. Children were Marjorie and Noreen.
Benjamin Prosser
Henry Prosser/Harry Prosser (-1919). Married Rosina
North (1882-) Children were Thomas Daniel Prosser and
Frederick Charles Prosser
Robert Prosser
Wallace Prosser (c- 1922). Married Isabella Marion
Scott. Children were Agnes, Alexander, Catherine
Scott, Edith, Edna Phylis, Elsie, Emily Georgina, Ethel,
Marian, Mina Doris, Rita Isabella and Sylvia Janet.
Alfred Pugh
Thomas Quain
John Ramsay
Ann Ramsay nee Roberts. Married James Ramsay.
Children were Eva Agnes, John and William
William Cunningham Ramsay. Son of Ann and James
Ramsay. Married Emma Lydia Osborn (c - 1946).
Children were Barbara Clyinthia, Cora Beryl, Harold
Osborn, Irene Pearla and Roy Livingstone.
Henry Eagleton Reading (-10/10/1913)
George E. Reading
Henry F. Reading
Henry Eagleton Reading (-10/10/1913)
William J. Reading
Captain William Reid
John Reid
Henry W. Reitman
Louis Remington
Benjamin Richards
Charles Rigdon
Henry Rigg
Hubert F. Rigg
James Robinson
Walter C. Robinson
Joseph Rodgers
George Rodwell
William Rodwell
George C. Rose, Married Alice Elizabeth Coppin.
Children were Bertha Alice Charlotte, Agnes Ethel May,
Daisy Hilda Violet Coppin, Frieda Maud, Harold Arnold
Colin and Vernon Herbert
Robert Henry Rose (c-1900). Married Maria Eliza
Haywood. Children were Robert Henry, William
Allnutt, THomas Haywood, Ernest Mervyn, Edith Lucy
and Amy Eva.
Ernest A. Roxburgh
Frederick Royle
Charles Ruck
John Sampson
William F. Schodde
Helen Scott
Robert Scott
Harry W. Sharpe
August D. Sharpe
Ernest Shaw
John Shaw
John Shaw
Arthur Shivers (c - 1913). Married Bridget Scullion.
Children were Arthur, Bridget, Bridget, Henry, Jane,
Michael and Sarah.
Charles E. Simmons
Albert Sinclair
Daniel Sinclair
John Sinclair
John Sinclair junior
James Sloan (-1924, 78yo). Married Margaret Prat
Alfred S. Snell
Augustus F. Spencer
Charles H. Spencer
Llewellyn Spencer
Thomas E. Spencer
William Spencer
Frank Ernest Leopold Stafford (-1910). Married Ethel
Isabella Clifton (1885-) Child was Frank Douglas Clifton
William Stranger
Frederick W. Steere
Frederick Stone
Walter Sutcliffe
Thomas Sutherland
Alfred Teede
George F. Teede
George R. Teede
John Teede
Mary Crampton Teede
Alfred D. Temple
Edwin H. Thomas
Edward H. Thomson
Thomas Thornton
Clayton Timperely
Forrest B. Timperely
Fred H. Timperely
William Henry Timperly (-1909). Married Rebecca
Properjohn (c-1910). Children were Alice Mary, Aughton
Percy, Blanche, Edith Ada, Forrest Burges, Frederick
Henry, Hannah May and Jervis Clayton.
Henry John Trigwell (12/10/1844 - 18/07/1900) Lived on
Stephen street, Bunbury. born in Gibraltar (Married
Josephine Caroline Armstrong (c.1859 - 24/09/1920) in
1875) (Mother was Agnes Trigwell c.1822-05/06/1898)
(Children - Amy Agnes Catherine c.1877 - c.1924. Married
William Peacock Pomeroy c.1903, Herbert Henry c.1878 -
c.1940. Married Sarah A F Purser c.1915 , Ada Louisa
c.1880 - . Married George R Higgins c.1918 and Divorced
c.1921. Married Hartley Waterworth c.1922, Arthur Thomas
c.1883 - c.1961. Married Margaret A Peterson c.1914,
Frederick William c.1885 -c.1886 9mths old, Cecil c.1890 -
, Francis Armstrong 02/11/1892 - 06/02/1972, Alma
Josephine c.1895 - c.1952. Married Alexander C Forster
c.1921) (Siblings - John Trigwell, Ann Trigwell, Elizabeth
Amelia Trigwell, Richard James Trigwell, Walter William
Trigwell, George Trigwell, Charles Raymond Trigwell,
Thomas Henry Trigwell, Harriet Agnes Trigwell, Caroline
Emma Trigwell and Alfred Trigwell). His father built The
Anchor and Hope Inn in Donnybrook c.1845.
George Trott
Henry Trott
James Trott, Son of Thomas Trott. Married Rose Dillon
(-1896). Children were Blanche Caroline, James, Joseph
Austin, Muriel Agnes and Rose Ellen.
Thomas Trott, Married Ellen Meade (c-1901, 69yo).
Children were Caroline, Eliza, Ellen Maria, Harriet, Henry
Thomas, James and Mary Ann.
John James Tuxford (c-1900, 36yo). Married Eliza
Frances Caroline Hill Hay. Children were Marjory, Ronald
William, Stuart Stirling and Wedd Hay.
Enoch Edmund Tyler (c-1935). Son of Handy Tyler.
Married Mary Ann Dillon. Children were Ada Jane, Ann
Julia, Ellen, Hannorah and Mary Elizabeth.
George Upson
James E. Vaughan
Joseph Vaughan
Julia Veale
Albert James Wagner
John L. Walker
William Walker
Matthew E. Wallis
Chris Walsh
John Walsh
Patrick Waters
Thomas Watson
Benjamin Weiss
Hyman Weiss
Soloman Weiss
Frank Wenn
James Wenn
James R. Wenn
Simeon W. Wenn
Terence Wenn
James White
John White
Joseph White
Michael White
William White
Thomas Wilkes
William J. Wilkin
Frederick J. Wilkinson
Charles Willey
Percy J. Williams
John Wilson
Aubrey Wimbridge
William Wimbridge
Ann Wiseby
Edward Withers
Joseph Withers
Reverend Joseph Henry Withers (1834 - 1904)
James Woodhead
Claude Woodrow
Edward Woodrow
Fred Worsley
James W. Wright
Robert Wright