Bunbury Residents 1902
Post Office Directory courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia. The originals can be viewed on the State Library of Western Australia’s website: Original Post Office Directory.
Note: All spellings are as they appear in the directory.
Abrahamson, Captain J. G., harbormaster
Adelaide S.S. Company Limited (R. Forrest, agent)
Alting, J. M., tinsmith
Angus, H. L., store
Armitage, W. B., bootmaker
Arnold, G., carriage painter
Atkins, William Alex, general merchant
Atkinson, Miss H. B.
Aylett, E. James, carpenter
Baker, Edward W. shop assistant
Balding, Charles, architect
Baldock & Company (J. G.), coach builders
Baldock, John G. (J. G. Baldock & Company)
Banting, Charles
Banting, John, building contractor
Banting, John, junior, engine driver
Banting, Thomas, carpenter
Barker, W. R. agent A.M.P. Society
Barrett, Peter D., engine driver
Bartleet, Edward, carpenter
Bartley, Miss A., dressmaker
Benckendorff, F. O., secretary. Importer, Jarrah Wood
Paving Corporation Limited
Berry, John, carter
Birch, Richard, surveyor
Birchall, John, tailor
Bishop, Mrs J., nurse
Blight, E. E., blacksmith
Blythe & Wallbrodt, butchers
Blythe, Albert, gardener
Blythe, Herbert
Blythe, Joseph, butcher
Blythe, Mrs James, boarding house keeper
Bogue, Fred A., brewer
Bogue, William
Boswell, Albin, contractor
Boswell, John, contractor
Boswell, Mrs
Boundy, William T., furniture dealer
Boyce, John William, fisherman
Boyd, Steen, auctioneer, produce & general commission
Brackenbridge, Miss, dressmaker
Bradfield, Thomas, bootmaker
Brashaw & Company (H.), commission agents & livery
Brashaw, Harry, (Brashaw & Company)
Braund, Robert
Bray, Charles
Bray, Friend, wheelwright
Bray, Mrs., boarding house
Bray, Reverend A. W., (Wesley Uniting Church)
Brittain, Edward
Brittain, Mrs J.
Brittain, Thomas
Brittain, W., undertaker
Brooke, H. W. B., Federal hotel
Brown, George, bricklayer
Brown, Henry, bricklayer
Brown, Thomas, inspector per.way
Buchanan, Reverend Andrew, (Congregation)
Buck, Louis, water police
Buckle, Jonathan, wheelwright
Bull, William, carpenter
Bunbury Brewery Company Limited (Henry Horgan,
Bunbury Brick Syndicate brickmakers
Bunbury Chamber of Commerce, (R. G. Kirton, secretary)
Bunbury Hardware Company (The), ironmongers,
Victoria Street
"Bunbury Herald (The)" (published Tuesday, Thursday &
Saturday) ("Bunbury Herald" Newspaper Company
Limited proprietors. (G. W. Keith, manager)
Bunbury Race Club (L. H. Spence, secretary)
Bunting, J., painter
Burcham, W. E. C., bailiff
Buswell, Albert, farmer
Buswell, Arthur
Buswell, Mrs Elizabeth
Buswell, Joseph
Buswell, W. J., brickmaker
Cahill, Patrick
Caporn, Fred Samuel, saddler
Caporn, Henry
Carandal, Mrs H. R. M.
Carey, Mrs Rose
Carr, John H., chemist & dentist, Victoria Street
Carroll, John
Cass Brothers, drapers
Cass, Albert
Cass, Berry, (Cass Brothers)
Catlett, Waldo E., jeweller
Christie & Son (G.), watchmakers & jewellers
Christie, Allan D. (Christie & Sons)
Christie, Archibald R. (Christie & Sons)
Christie, George, (Christie & Sons)
Christie, Miss Annie E.
Clark, John
Clarke, Ephraim Mayo, merchant
Clifton Brothers, dairyman
Clifton, Charles, (Clifton Brothers)
Clifton, Gervase, (Clifton Brothers)
Clifton, Richard H., carpenter
Clively, Herbert E,
Coles, Felix, painter
Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited. (fire &
marine) agents: (fire, William Spencer & Sons) (marine, L.
H. Spencer)
Connor, Miss Mary
Cook, A. C., watchmaker
Cooke, Eley, greengrocer
Cooke, John Henry, foreman timber mills
Coplestone, Herbert W., fancy repository
Costello, John
Coverley, William, carter
Cridland, Mrs Elizabeth
Crocker, David A., grocer
Cross, William, carter
Dalgety Company Limited, merchants, shipping agents &
custodians (L. Spencer, manager.). See advert facing
Agents- Shipping
Darling, Reverend H., (Church of England)
Davidson, J. D., grocer
Dedman, George, inspector perth way
Delaney, John, carter
Delaney, Thomas, bootmaker
Delaporte, Herbert, carter
Delaporte, Thomas
Delaporte, William
De Prada, C. D.
Dixon, James H. auctioneer
Dixon, Mrs S. M.
Dorance & Company (J.), tailors
Dorance, James
Doyle, Patrick, railway guard
Duce, John
Duffell, William
Dungey, T., greengrocer
Earl, Henry, Glen Iris
Eastman, H. L., law clerk
Eastman, Kenneth McCaskill, barrister, solicitor &
commissioner for Western Australia, Victoria Street
Edwards, R. R., stevedore
Egglestone, Charles
Elliot, E. C., telephone operator
English, James Emmett C., caterer
Errington, William, clerk
Erskine, Evelyn P., customs clerk
Erskine, Hugh, storekeeper
Evans, Alfred L., clerk
Evans, Thomas, guard
Everington, James W.
Farrell, Henry I.
Fee, William, clerk goods shed
Flood, Denis, storekeeper
Flood, Mrs J.
Flynn, Ignatius J., medical practitioner
Foreman, Arthur R.
Forrest, George, roller flour mills
Forrest, Robert, Koombana steam roller flour mills
Fraenkell, Charles (Prosser & Fraenkell)
Freeman, L., watchman railway depot
Freeman, William
Ganfield, Mrs William, flour miller
Gibbs, J. & H., contractors. & undertakers
Gibbs, Athelstan, cashier post office
Gibbs, Ernest, carpenter
Gibbs, George, commercial agent
Gibbs, Harold (J. & H. Gibbs)
Gibbs, Harold W. (J. & H. Gibbs)
Gibbs, James D., carpenter
Gibbs, John (J. & H. Gibbs)
Gibson, Ernest
Gibson, George, carter
Gibson, Henry
Gibson, Walter, market gardener
Gibson, William, market gardener
Gibson, William, junior
Giddens, H., carter
Grant, J. G., Union Bank
Griffen, Bernard
Haines, C. W.
Hales, W. S., accountant, insurance, customs, shipping &
forwarding agent & custodian, Union Bank buildings. See
Hall, E. A., butcher
Hamilton, T. J., Glen Iris
Hamilton, Thomas, Glen Iris
Hammett, William
Hands, John E., merchant
Hands, J. E., junior
Hannah, J.
Hanson, C. H., construction
Hardey, E. J., telephone lineman
Hardey, R. J.
Harrington, D.
Harrington, Joseph, carpenter
Hastie, Charles L., contractor
Hastie, James, locomotion depot
Hastie, John, carter
Hastie, Walter, blacksmith
Hay, Mrs M., store
Haycox, William, engine driver
Hayes, Andrew
Hayes, William, farmer
Hayward & Son (Thomas), merchants
Hayward, George (Hayward & Son)
Hayward, Thomas, Justice of Peace (Hayward & Son)
Healy, James, brickmaker
Hennessey, Patrick
Hevron, J., carriage examiner
Hickman, J., billiard marker
Hill, Charles R., bricklayer
Hislop, James, boarding house
Hislop, James, junior
Hislop, Walter, carpenter
Holtzman, H., plumber
Hornsby, Charles, farmer
Hough, Joseph, dairy farmer
Hough, Owen W., landing waiter
Hough, Robert, butcher
Houghton, Robert, firewood dealer
House, Charles, carter
Howe, J. S., manager, Union Bank
Howie, E. T., clerk
Howie, Edwin
Huddart, Parker & Company Limited, T. Hayward & Son,
Humphries, D. G.
Hunter & Company Limited (John) (E. Krachler, manager)
Illingworth, J. C., proprietor. Rose hotel, nearest licensed
house to Railway station; recently re- built & enlarged
Imperial Jarrah Wood Paving Corporation Limited (W. A.
Lovely, manager)
Jaques, Charles
Jaques, James
Jarrah Timber & Wood Paving Corporation Limited
(James C. Port, manager for Western Australia)
Jarvis, Edward., carter
Jarvis, Evan, brickmaker
Jarvis, Frederick
Jarvis, James G.
Jarvis, Rossmore, carter
Jarvis, William, bricklayer
Jeffrey, Miss Agnes, teacher
Jeffrey, Thomas T., junior agent
Joel, S. J., medical practice
Johnson & Company (B. M.), drapers
Johnson, B. M. (Johnson & Company)
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, James
Johnston, J. F., Justice of Peace, farmer
Jones, C. T., baker
Jones, William, bricklayer
Keith, G. W., manager. "Bunbury Herald" Newspaper
Company Limited
Kelly, Martin, porter
Kelso, Thomas. corporal
Kennedy, Thomas, constable
Kidson, John M., confectioner
King, George
King, John, brickmaker
King, William
Kirton & Company chemists
Kirton, Richard (Kriton & Company)
Larson, A. O., agent. Singer Manufacturing Company
Lawrence, George
Lawrence, Miss Harriett, boarding house
Lawrence, Mrs E. H.
Learman, Henry, storekeeper
Leguier, M. (North & Leguier)
Lee, Woh, fruiterer
Lenson, William
Leslie, J. A., Gordon's hotel
Lewis, D., engine driver
Lovely, W. A., manager, Importer, Jarrah Wood Paving
Corporation Limited
Loveridge, A. J., teacher
Lowe, R. W., manager, West Australian Bank
Lowrie, John, farmer
McInarney, Micheal J., compositor
McKay, John, engine fitter
McKean, John, railway
McKernan, John, mail contractor
McKernon, J., construction
McVea, D., gaoler
Mainstone, Benjamin T., fruiterer
Manning, James
Marsh, W. L., Prince of Wales hotel
Martelli, Reverend L. M. (Roman Catholic)
Maslin, Thomas
Masonic Hall (E. Woodrow, trustee)
Mead, F., photographer
Meade, John, farmer
Mechanics' Institute (Miss Tucker, secretary)
Meeks, Mrs, boarding house keeper
Melbourne Steamship Company Limited. (Robert
Forrest, agent)(A. M. Reid, manager for Western
Australia), Cliff Street. Fremantle
Metcalfe, Mrs
Mews, Miss Edith, teacher
Meyer, H., butcher
Millars, Karri & Jarrah Forests Limited (W. Balston,
Milligan, Joseph
Mills, Alex, wood turner
Mills, Mrs A., store
Mitchell, Frederick., police sergeant
Mitchell, William Bedford, commercial agent
Moffatt, W.
Monkhouse, John, clerk post office
Monkhouse, John, engineer
Moore, James Justice of Peace (NB initials stand for
Justice of the Peace)
Moore, Newton J., surveyor & mayor
Morgan, William, ganger perth way
Moyle, Charles, railway
Murtagh, Dr J. J. (College)
Nagel, George
Naylor, Joseph, storekeeper
Naylor, Richard
Nelsson, Axel, carpenter
Newman, C. H., machinist
New Zealand Accident Insurance Company (H. L.
Spencer, agent)
New Zealand Insurance. Company (fire & marine) (J. J.
Withers & Company agents)
Nisbit, John, police constable
North & Leguier, bakers
North, A. N. & Leguier
North, Brownlow, treasury clerk
North, Daniel
North, Henry, brickmaker
North, Mrs H., dressmaker
North, Mrs M. A., storekeeper
Norton, Arthur, accountant, West Australian Bank
Nunn, J., draper
O'Brien, W., construction
Ohman, Albert
Oldham, John
Paisley, Thomas W., teacher
Parker, Gilbert, painter
Parsons, Henry, railway
Pasmore, Mrs C.
Paull, P. R., night officer
Payne, Mrs Ann, boarding house
Peacock, Miss D., dressmaker
Pearce, T. W., construction
Phillips, Henry, hairdresser
Pickersgill, Joshua
Pomeroy, William, clerk
Port, James
Port, James C., manager Jarrah Corporation Limited
Prosser & Fraenkell, boot & shoe manufacturers
Prosser, Benjamin
Prosser, Henry, bootmaker
Prosser, Robert
Pugh, Mrs Mary, Cricketers' Arms hotel
Ramsay, William C., blacksmith
Reading & Sons ( H. E.), proprieters of "Southern Times"
Reading, George E. (Reading & Sons)
Reading, Henry E. (Reading & Sons)
Reading, William J. (Reading & Sons)
Reid, John
Reid, J. B., engine driver
Richter, H., brewer
Rigg, Henry
Rigg, Hubert F., carpenter
Robertson, W., journalist
Robinson, G.
Robinson, James
Robinson, Walter C., station master
Rodgers, Joseph
Rodwell, George
Rodwell, Mrs
Rodwell, WIlliam, carpenter
Rose, George C., Justice of Peace, Parkfield
Rose, Robert H., Justice of Peace, Moorlands
Rose Hotel, nearest licensed house to Railway station,
Bunbury; newly built & enlarged (J. C. Illingworth,
proprietor). See advert Bunbury
Roxburgh, Ernest A., accountant. Union Bank
Rundle, W.
Ryves, Miss A.
Salter, W. R.
Sampson, John, medical practitioner
Saunders, T., contractor
Scott, J. C., wheelwright
Scott, Mrs John
Scott, Robert
Sharp, George, clerk
Sharp, Harry W.
Shaw, E., ironmonger
Shaw, John, tailor
Shaw, John
Simmons, Charles E., compostor
Sinclair, Albert
Sinclair, Charles., porter
Sinclair, Daniel
Sinclair, John, light keeper
Sinclair, John, junior
Singer Manufacturing Company See Alpha
Sloan, A. W.
Sloan, James, aerated water manufacturer
Smith, Arthur
Smith, James
Snell, Alfred S., traffic manager
"Southern Times (The)"; published tri-weekly (H. E.
Reading & Sons)
Speers, Miss O.
Spencer & Sons William, merchants & importers,
Victoria Street & Stephens Streets
Spencer, Augustus F. (W. Spencer & Sons)
Spencer, Charles E. (W. Spencer & Sons)
Spencer, Charles H.
Spencer, Llewellyn, manager Dalgety & Company
Spencer, Thomas E.
Springman, E.
Stranger, William, caterer
Stanley, Money & Walker, barristers, solicitors &
notaries; & at 293 Street. George Terrace. Perth. See
Legal Directory
Steere, Frederick W., architect, Victorian Street
Steers, Miss May, matron hospital
Stephenson, D.
Stokes, Thomas, aerated water manufacter
Sutcliffe, Walter, clerk
Sutherland, A. A., storekeeper
Sutherland, Thomas
Tait, A. L., Parade hotel
Tatham, M. J., tinsmith
Teede, Alfred
Teede, George F., tabacconist
Teede, George R., clerk of court
Teede, John, compositor
Temple & Company (Alfred D.), bakers
Terry & Wood, Burlington hotel
Terry, A. (Terry & Wood)
Thomas, Edwin H., law clerk
Thompson, W. W., inspector moorlands
Timperley, Clayton, clerk
Timperley, Forrest B., clerk, West Australian Bank
Timperley, Fred H., auctioneer
Timperley, William H., residing. magistrate
Tomkinson, W. G., foreman tannery
Tomoto, Mrs, fruiterer
Topp, C.
Trigwell, Henry J., blacksmith
Trott, George
Trott, Henry
Trott, James, brickmaker
Trott, Thomas
Tucker, J. J., town clerk, Bunbury
Tunks, A., railway clerk
Tuxford, John J., merchant
Tylee, J., lime merchant
Tyler, Andrew, farmer
Tyler, Enoch, farmer
Union Bank of Australia Limited (J. S. Howe, manager)
Veale, Mrs Julia, baker
Walker, John L. (Stanley, Money & Walker)
Walker, Mrs, dressmaker
Walker, William
Wallis, Mathew E., builder
Wallrodt, W., butcher
Walsh, Chris, locomotive depot
Waters, Patrick, carter
Watson, Thomas
Watts, F. J., boarding house
Weiss, Benjamin
Weiss, Hyman, storekeeper
Weiss, Soloman
Wellington Agricultural Society (W. S. Hales, secretary)
Wenn, Francis L.
Wenn, James, carpenter
Wenn, James R.
Wenn, Simeon W., carter
Wenn, Terence
Western Australian Bank (The) (R. W. Lowe, manager).
See advert. in Front of Work
White, James, farmer
White, John
White, Joseph, contractor
White, Michael, railway guard
White, William, carter
Wilkes, Thomas, fencer
Willey, Charles, carter
Williams, D. Ernest, Government medical officer
Williams, J. F., engine driver
Williams, S., accountant
Wimbridge, Aubrey
Wimbridge, William, Wellington hotel
Withers & Company (J. J.), storekeepers
Withers, Edward, carter
Withers, Joseph J. (J. J. Withers & Company)
Witton, J. B., drapers
Wood, — (Terry & Wood)
Woodhead, James, land agent
Woodhead, Mrs L., fancy repository
Woodrow, Edward., postmaster & district registrar
Wooton, W., manager. Junior. Hunter Boot Company
Young, Miss, milliner
Zeplin, H., water police
Captain John George Abrahamson (09/03/1848-
John Manus/Manns Alting (1948). Married Agnes May
Williams (-1904, 31yo). Children were Constance May and
Gertrude Marion.
Henry Laurence Angus (1944) 81 years old. Married
Esther McDonald (-1945). Children were Agnes Amelda,
Alice, Christopher Augustine, Eileen Veronica and
Francis Henry.
William Blanchard Armitage (1934)
William Alexander Atkins (-1918). Married Harriet
Elizabeth Holgate (1869-). Children were William
Alexander, Edward and Mary Theresa
James E. Aylett (-1931) Married Grace L. Slater
Edward William Baker (c.1873 - 1959)
Charles Balding
Baldock and Co - John George Baldock (c.1860-1933).
Married Mary Annie Garm (1883-). Children were Annie
Elizabeth, Florence Laura, Mervyn Leonard, Emily
Madeline, Leonard Garfield, May, Arthur Henry, Blanche
Mervina, Constance Louise, Ellen Ada and Alice Dorothy
Charles George Banting (-1959, 84yo). Married Mary
Elizabeth Cesilia Tunney (-1952). Child was Lawrence
John Banting (-1902). Married Bridget Coonan (c. 1839-
1929). Children were Theresa Clara, Thomas Joseph,
John Patrick, Arthur Edward, Catherine Angella, Charles
George, Laura Teresa, Louisa Margaret, Martha Bridget
and Michael William.
John Banting junior (-1934). Married Bridget Christina
Bradley. Children were Phyllis Marcella, Thaddeus
Sebastian and William Stephen.
Thomas Banting (-1944). Married Emily Amelia Maslin
(-1933). Children were Cyril Thomas, Frederick John and
Peter Dudley/Douglas Barrett (1862-01/10/1933).
Married Annie Moyns. Children were Alfred William,
Peter Douglas and Walter Bernard.
Edward Bartleet
Frederick O. Benckendorff (-1913)
John Thomas Berry (1871-). Married Lillian Potter (1913-).
Children were John and Arnold
Richard Birch
John Birchall, Married Emma Connett (-1933). Children
were George Thomas, John Edward, Mabel Lillian and
Walter Claude.
Albert Ogilvy Blythe (-1928). Married Jane Britton.
Children were Herbert Albert, Thomas, Rebecca,
Comfort Maria, Jacob William, May, Ada Rachel, Lila jane,
Jane, Albert Olgily, Edward, Horace, Percy and Matilda
Herbert Blythe
Joseph Blythe (-1919). Married Mary Coppin. Children
were Arthur, Charles Christopher, Joseph, Julias, Lindsay
James, Mary Louisa, Mervyn Frederick and Roland
George.. Remarried to Fanny Floyd (-1934) in 1899 after
first wife's death.
Elizabeth Lousie Blythe. Married James Drummond
Blythe. Spencer Street, Son is Francis Albert Blythe
Frederick Aloysious Bogue (c.1862 - 25/2/1939). Married
Mary Angela/Angelus Kinsella (-1944). Children were
Douglas Kinsella, Florence Ada Mary, Frederick
Augustine, Frderick Augustus, Gerard Frederick, Mary,
Mary Monica, Mary Veronica and Thomas Kavanagh.
William Bogue
Albin Boswell
John Boswell, Married Martha Turner.
William Thomas Boundy (-1929). Married Elizabeth Jane
Heyside. Children were Lily, Gertrude Edith, William
Stanley and Greta Cecilia
John William Boyce (c.1839-1901). Married Mary Brennan
(1869-). Children were Mary Ann, Elizabeth, John Patrick,
Margaret Frances, Elizabeth Esther, Eliza Agnes and
Ellen Martha
Thomas Bradfield
Harry Brashaw (-1937). Married Blanch Bevlyn Mabel
Armitage. Children were Stella Blanch.
Robert Braund
Charles Henry Bray (-1956, 76yo). Married Eva Rose
Cridland (-1965, 85yo).
Friend Bray (-1910). Married Jane Waurby.
Reverend Albert William Bray (c.1859 - 3/10/1940).
Married Medora Martha Fry (-1947). Children were Ella
Doreen, Eric John and Ivan William.
Edward James Brittain (-1933). Married Maryjane Elliott
(1891-) Children were Louisa Jane, James Edward, Percy
Douglas, Ida Maud and Alfred Ernest
Elizabeth May Brittain nee Trott (1885-). Married Jacob
Brittain (c.1862-1898). Child was Evamary Rita
Thomas Brittain
William Henry Branch Brooke (03/12/1952) yo 90.
Married Jessie Maud Forrest (-1971, 95yo). Children were
Dorothy May and Lila Freeman.
George Brown
Henry Brown
Thomas Brown
Reverend Andrew Buchanan (1831-1923)
Louis J. Buck (-1950). Married Mary Ellen Martin (-1963,
84yo). Child was Ronald Alexis.
Jonothan David Buckle (-1935). Married Mary
Macgowan (1876-). Children were Helen Lucille, Fanny,
Hannah and David
William Bull
Henry G. Horgan (-1934). Married Honorah Annie
Oconnell (-1971, 74yo).
Richard Gervase Kirton (-1937). Married Mary Agnes
Mann (-1945). Child was Alec Mann.
George William Keith (-1906)
Llewellyn Horace Spence (-1954, 80y). Married Mary
Ellen Johnson. Children were Ilma Zoe and Leonard
William Edward Carter Burcham (-1952). Married Rhoda
Jane Hough (-1943). Child was Vera Coral.
Albert J. Buswell, Married Margaret M Byrne (1913)
Arthur Buswell, Married Susan Hutchins (-1957, 83yo).
Children were Leslie Roy and Phyllis May.
Mrs Elizabeth Buswell nee Cross (-1914). Married
Joseph Buswell. Children were Alban, Arthur, Ellen Jane,
Henry, Selina, Walter John and 3 sons named Joseph
who died in infancy( 1870, 73 and 76).
Joseph Buswell (-1935). Married Eliza Cross. Children
were Alban, Arthur, Ellen Jane, Henry, Henry, Joseph,
Joseph, Joseph, Selina and Walter John.
William J. Buswell (-1915)
Patrick Cahill, Married Sarah Woodley. Children were
Albert, Amy, Charles, Ernest, George Patrick, Joseph, Lily
Ada, Robert Charles and Walter.
Frederik Samuel Caphorn (-1949). Married Margaret
Sinclair (1890-). Children were George Jeffery, Eric
Hopetoun, Frederick John and Cummerford Ringwood
Henry Caporn (-1949). Married Harriet Buskerville (1873-).
Children Were Henry Charles and Mary Anne Harriet
Mrs Marie Rosalie Homerine Carandal (09/05/1919)
Mrs Rose/Rosa Carey nee Strickland (- 1911). Married
Thomas Campbell Carey ( -1884) . Children were Clara
Carlotta and Dora.
John Horatio Carr, Married Henrietta Cantrell. Children
were Doris May and Ethel Henrietta.
John Carroll
Albert Cass (-1910)
Berry Cass (-1943). Married Catherine E Killick (-1945).
Waldo Ernest Catlett (- 1937). Married Margaret Matilda
Gardiner (1870-1959). Children were Arthur Reginald,
Cora Anastasia, Phyllis Victoria, Vera Agatha and Waldo
George Christie and son Allan D. Christie, George's
other son was Archibald Christie
Allan D. Christie (-1951)
Archibald R. Christie (-1940). Married Elsie Sarah Taylor
(-1961, 69yo)
George Christie, Married Selina Wall. Children were
Florence Daisy, Jack Wall and Olive Ruby.
Miss Annie E. Christie (24/08/1992), Alias- (Annie
John Clark (1939)
Ephraim Mayo Clark (1846-1921)
Charles Ernest Edward Clifton (-1912). Married Matilda
Louisa Hayward (-1961, 96yo). Children were Ella Matilda,
George Hayward, Karl Hayward and Stella Haywood.
Gervase Clifton - (1877 - 1957) Parents - Marshall Waller
Clifton and Louisa Clifton (Clifton). Wife - Florence Mabel
Clifton. Father of Athol Gervase Clifton; Marshall Waller
Gervase Clifton; Gervase Thorold Clifton and Basil
Gervase Clifton
Richard Henry Clifton (-1939). Married Rachel Isabella
Gibbs (-1938). Children were Alexander Clement, Donald
Edward, Harold Stuart, Irene Amelia and Kenneth
Herbert Edward Clively (1930), Spouse (Beatrice Irvine
1897). Childre were Alan Louis, Arthur Howard, Frances
May and Helen Margaret.
Charles Felix Coles (-1955, 81yo). Married Caroline Mary
Coombe. Children were Charles Harold, Dorace Carrie,
Elsie Mignionette, Lillian Carrie and Mabel Coralet.
Miss Mary Conner
Eley Cooke (-1902, 76yo)
John Henry Cooke. Married Emily Wisbey (-1927).
Children were Eva Janet, Frederick Eley, Herbet
Christopher, Launa Blanche, Leonard Charles, Roy
Wisbey, Vera Elizabeth and Wesley John.
Herbert W. Coplestone (-1933). Married Bessie E D
Dicker (-1952).
John Costello
William Coverley, Married Mary Ann Veale (-1946).
Children were Alan Alphonsas, Aubrey Augustus
Michael, Daniel Keith, Ella Lucille, Louisa Letitia
Josephine and William Frederick.
Mrs Elizabeth Cridland nee North (-1939). Married
William Cridland (-1897). Children were Eliza, Eva Rose,
Frederick and George.
David Aloysius Crocker. Married Florence Ellen Sloan
(-1947). Children were Alexander Bede Sloan and David
William Cross
George Joseph Dedman (-1922). Married Sarah
McCreery. Children were Amy Blanche, Catherine,
Earnest John, Ethel May, George Joseph, Gordon
Frederick, Harriet Ann, Herman Thomas, Hilda Florence,
Margaret, Marjery Eileen, Sarah and William Henry.
John Delaney
Thomas Delaney (-1904) 76 yo, married Bridget M
Whitagan Children are, John, Thomas, Mary, Margaret,
Catherine and Elizabeth
Herbert Delaporte (-1945). Son of Thomas Delaporte.
Married Amy Ann Cunnold (-1952). Children were Doris
Alena and Victor Stirling.
Thomas Delaporte (c 1879-1971). Married Mary Love
Lawrence (-1934). Children were Ada Margaret, Aubery
George, Eva Agnes Laila, Herbert Thomas, Horace
Robert, Ilma Louise, Maude Harriet, Muriel Eliza, Myra
May, Rose Alma and Subert Alfred.
William John Charles Delaporte (-1941). Married Lucy
Payne (-1939). Had a daughter, Doris Martha and a
stillborn daughter.
James Henry Dixon, Married Sarah Maria Mainwaring.
Children were Constance Harcourt.
James Dorance
Patrick Joseph Doyle (-1909) 45yo. Married Rose Ann
Rowlands. Children were Mary Elizabeth, Patrick Francis,
Patrick Leo Anthony and Rose Mary Bridget.
John Duce
William J. Duffell (-1944)
Thomas Alfred Dungey (-1945). Married Marie Jane
Paine. Children were Clarence Alfred and Queenie
Henry E. Earl (-1936). Married Sarah Anne Frewin.
Children were Henry Edwin, Iris Hilda and Olive Muriel.
Harry Lyle Eastman (-1963, 85yo)
Kenneth McCaskill Eastman (-1950). Married Sylvia
Annie Delmar Chrisholm (-1946). Had a daughter, Hope
Emily Chrisholm Eastman in 1903.
Charles Egglestone, Married Minnie Ursula Darcy in
1893. Children were Frank Darcy and Frederick.
Ernest Charles Elliot (-1912). Married Mary Ann Taylor.
Child was Wilfred Ernest.
James Emmet C. English
William H. Errington (-1927). Married Hazel Laura
Haddrill (-1957, 62yo).
Evelyn Pierrepoint Erskine (-1953) . Married Amy Maria
Hough. Children were Augustus Evelyn, Azelma Aileen,
Charles Seymour, Edna May and Maimie Rhoda.
Hugh Bushby/Buckley Erskine. Married Mary Ann
Valentine. Children were Hugh Pierrepoint Claybills and
Kellie Edmond.
Alfred Lionel Evans
Thomas Evans
James William Everington (-1939). Married Mary
Elizabeth Franklin 9-1951). Children were Dorothy,
Herbert and Marjorie.
Henry Ince Farrell (-1918). Married Evaline Noble (-1928).
Child was Eileen.
William Henry Fee (-1951). Married Mary Agnes
Josephine Hogan (-1948).
Denis Flood (-1917). Married Bridget Reily (-1934).
Children were Edward Francis, Joseph, Margaret Norah,
Mary Ellen, Patrick Philip and Silvester.
Ignatius Joseph Flynn (-1944) Sons were Frank, Michael,
John, Joe, Dan and Leo and had 5 daughters.
Arthur Robert Foreman (-1938). Married Sophia Ellen
Hayward (-1948). Children were Arthur Robert, Catharine
Agnes, Ethel Grace, Frank Hayward, Jessie Louisa and
John Frederick.
George Forrest
Robert Forrest
Charles Fraenkell
Louis Henry Freeman (-1928). Married Alice
Garrard/Garrett (-1952). Children were Florence Louise,
Mabel Emma, Madaline Innocence, Mary Gwendaline
Cecelia, Victor Garrard and William Norman.
William Freeman. Married Alice Woodrow. Children
were Gladys Ida and William Roy.
Mrs Margaret Ganfield nee Hall (-1930). Married William
Ganfield. Children were Edward, Elizabeth, Henrietta,
Hilda Jane, Margaret Maude, Mildred Maria, Richard
John, Robert and William James.
Athelstan Auby Gibbs (-1958, 81yo). Married Mildred
Gertrude Talbot (-1960, 86yo).
Ernest Gibbs
George Gibbs
Harold Gibbs
Harold William Gibbs. Married Amelia Wisbey (c- 1890,
33yo). Children were Clemont Wisbey, Ethel, Florence
Emily, Harold Dagley and Rachel Isabella.
James D. Gibbs
John Gibbs (-1930). Married Sarah Eliza Wisbey. Children
were Alfred Edward, Charles Edward, Edith Charlotte,
Ellen Amelia, Evaline Ann, George William, John Owen,
Reginald Frank and Rotha Muriel.
Ernest Gibson
George Gibson
Henry Gibson
Walter Gibson
William Gibson (-1915, 92yo). Married Amelia Needs
(-1927, 83yo). Children were Amelia, Benjamin, Clarence,
Elizabeth, Ernest, George, Henry, Herbert, Horace,
Jesse, Owen, Susan, Walter and William.
William Gibson junior (-1960, 91yo). Married Margaret
Rebecca Bull (-1946). Children were Clifford Henry,
Harold Ernest, Hilda Jane, Mabel Amelia, Walter John
and William Leslie.
Henry Marcus Giddens (-1930). Married Adelaide
Maxwell Rutherfield (-1927). Children were May Adelaide
Roberta and Norman Peter Bunbury.
Bernard Patrick Griffin (- 1958, 89yo). Married Frances
Eva Wenn (-1955, 84yo). Childrenw were Hazel Greta, Ina
Maud and Owen Bernard.
Charles William Haines (-1930). Married Amelia Grace
Hay (-1906). Children were Amy Ethel Lillian, Bertram
Percy Cyril, Cecilis Dorothy Gertrude, Constance Violet
Vic and Norman Lionel.
Walter Shirley Hales (-1940). Married Rose Ada Mildred.
Children were Frances Alexandra, Kathleen Rose and
Keith Stewart.
Thomas Joseph Hamilton (-1903, 23yo)
Thomas Wilson Hamilton (-1939). Married Rachel
Corrigan. Children were Archibald, Christina, Doris
Rebecca, Eliza May, John Joseph, Rachel, Thomas
George and William.
William Hammett (-1935)
John Edward Hands (c.1853-1901). Married Ellen white in
1873 and had a son, John Edward Hands Junior in 1879
John Edward Hands junior (1879-1962, 83yo). Married
Alice Mary/May Donaghue (-1904, 29yo). Children were
John Manoley and Nellie Lyal Theresa. Remarried to
Marion Kate Austin (-1964, 84yo) in 1915.
Charles H. Hanson (-1952). Married Elizabeth Garfield.
Children were Lionel, Sydney James, Thelma Mary
Veronica and Vincent Charles.
Edward James Hardey (-1955, 84yo). Married Alice Mary
Bewsher. Children were Albert Frederick James, Edward
Charles and Stanley Ernest Peace.
Robert James Hardey (-1933). Married Leah
Montgomery Beere (-1897, 49yo). Children were Dinah
Isabella and Mary Susan.
Daniel Harrington (-1927). Married Mary Ann Armstrong
Joseph Patrick Harrington (-1926). Married Amelia
Badger (-1899, 30yo). Child was Catherine Jane.
Charles Little Hastie (-1916). Married Mary Ann Connor
(-1922). Children were James Little and John.
James Little Hastie (-1933). Married Ann Hutchins.
Children were Ann Maria (died 1yo), Charles Alexander,
Eileen Elizabeth, James Frederick, John, Mary, Thomas
Carlisle, William Alexander and William Alexander.
John Hastie. Married Ellen Kinsella (-1929). Children
were Charles Little, Edward and Mary.
Walter L. Hastie (-1934). Married Harriet Wilkes (-1923).
Children were Alexander, Bertram Stephen, Charles
Edward, Edith May, Ernest Joseph and Walter.
William Haycox (-1924). Married Mary Jane Teede.
Andrew Mark Hayes (-1953). Married Jane Dickson
(-1952). Children were James and a stillborn daughter.
William Hayes
George Hayward
Thomas J. P. Hayward
James Healy, Married Martha Mary Cunnold.
Patrick Hennessey
John Hill Hickman (-1933). Married Louisa Rebecca
Spong (-1946). Children were Ada Esther, Frances Annie,
Frederick Joseph and Walter Percy.
Charles Richard Hill. Married Mary Jane Naylor. Children
were Annie Elizabeth, Clem Knucky and Victor Norwood.
James Henry Hislop. Married Bridget Mulqueen.
Children were Alfred, Bertha Louise, Henry, James
Henry, Maria Esther, Rachel, Rebecca Maud, Thomas
Neale, Walter and William.
James Hislop Junior. Married Ann Eliza North (-1922).
Children were Agnes Marjorie, Albert Leslie, Beatrice
Mary Ann, Edith Maud, Ethel May, Frederick North, Henry
Walter, James John Henry and Violet Searle.
Walter Hislop (-1933). Married Sarah Ann Caporn (-1924).
Children were Donald Roy, Frederick James, Harry
Clulow, Hilton Arnold, Laura Ailsa, Percy Mervyn and
Pulo Maude.
Henry Daniel Holtzman (-1932). Married Antoinette E
Klaebe (-1953). Child was Thielman.
Charles Hornsby
Joseph Hough. Married Annie K (-1921, 49yo). Children
were Gracie, James, Evelyn and Thomas.
Owen William Hough (-1943). Married Eva Agnes
Ramsay (-1944). Children were Dorothyy Rhoda, Elsie
Enid, John Robert, Stanley Owen and Winifred Ramsay.
Robert Hough. Married Harriet Agnes Trott (-1933).
Children were Alma Gertrude, Amy Anita, Elvie Ileen
Mary, Hilda Ellen, Mena Alethea and Phyllis Veronica.
Robert Houghton
Charles House. Married Gertrude Mary/May Wright
(-1944). Children were Amy Florence Bertha, Amy May,
Charles Henry, Edward James, Frank Elijah Raymond,
Gertrude Mary, Gleness Susan, Godfrey Wright, Lida
Rosecliff, Maria Martha, Mina Minna May, Monda Ivy,
Raymond, Sarah Ellen and William Thomas.
Edwin Howie. Married Myrtle Emma Briggs (-1950). Child
was Edwin Samuel.
Douglas Guy Humphries (-1927). Married Daisy Teede
Edward Krachler (-1936). Married Emma Jane Shirley
(-1971, 98yo). Children were Francis Hatharley, Percival
(died 4d.o)and Sadie Ledden.
Charles Richard Jaques. Married Mary Elizabeth Fisher.
James John Jaques (-1903, 27yo). Son of Charles
Richard Jaques.
James Cornish Port (-1942). Married Emma Hayman
Edward Thomas Jarvis (-1941). Married Blanche Capel
Scott (-1954, 91yo). Child was Harold Edward.
Evan Jarvis (-1924). Married Mary Roberts.
Frederick John Jarvis (-1962, 87yo). Married Miriam
Margaret Hornsby (-1920). Child was Frederick Roy.
James George Jarvis (1846-1912). Married Marie
Spencer. Children were Alice May, Charles Bertram,
Edward Thomas, Ernest William, Frank, Frederick John,
James George, Leonard George, Louisa Emma and
Rossmore M. Jarvis (-1946)
William Alfred Jarvis. Married Esther Alma Clark.
Children were Ethel May and Florence May Ellen.
Miss Agnes Jeffery
Thomas T. Jeffery
Simon Crownson Joel (-13/2/1935, died in Melbourne).
Married Katie Davis. Children were Maxine and Bernard
Henry Johnson
James Johnson
William Jones
George William Keith (-1906).
Martin Edward Kelly (-1929). Married Nellie Quinn.
Children were Agnes May, Maria Dorothy and Reginald
Thomas Kelso (-1936). Married Charlotte B Walker (-1916).
Children were Christina May and Harold Hopetown.
Thomas Kennedy
John M. Kidson (-1938)
George King
John King
William King
Richard Gervase Kirton (-1937). Married Mary Agnes
Mann (-1945). Child was Alec Mann.
George Lawrence. Married Ellen Jane Buswell. Children
were Agnes Emily, Daisy Alma, Francis May, George
David, Leslie Walter, Mary Maria, Minna Ellen and Preston
Harriet Lawrence
Rose Annette Lawrence nee Johnston, Married Edward
Hayes Lawrence.
Henry Learman ( -1917). Married Catherine Armstrong
Morrison (-1904, 72yo). Children were Henry and Rachel
Melville Tyson Leguier (-1948). Married Beatrice Mary
Ann Hislop. Children were Donald Tyson and Lillian
Woh Lee
William Stanford Lenson. Married Isabella Simpson
Pereira (-1947). Children were Francis Charles, Jane
Elizabeth, Selwyn Forrest and William Stanford.
John Lowrie (-1919)
Micheal McInarney
John McKay
John McKean
John McKernan. Married May Agnes Moulton (-1929).
Children were Edward Walter, Esther Ellen and William
David McVea (-1952). Married Ada Blanche Armstrong
(-1971, 90yo). Children were Cecil Horace, David
Morrison and Irene Ada Blanche.
Benjamin Thomas Mainstone (-1928). Married Edith
Emily Shipton. Children were Amy Elizabeth, Doris and
Ernest Benjamin.
James Manning
Reverend Louis M Martelli (-1923)
Thomas Maslin. Married Sarah Andrews Thomas.
Children were Amelia, Elizabeth, Letitia, Sarah Anne and
William Henry.
John Henry Meade. Married Rose Elizabeth Walton.
Child was Lois Una.
Edith Emily Mews
William Balston, Married Maud A. G. Burt.
Joseph Milligan (-1944). Married Elizabeth Fee. Children
were James Forbes Fee, Marguerite Evelyn Elizabeth,
Mary Kathleen and William Joseph.
Alex Mills
Frederick George John Mitchell (-1936). Married Ada
Teresa Carroll. Children were Louisa Nellie Florence and
Mary Carroll.
William Bedford Mitchell, Married Caroline Morgan.
Children were Amy, Bedford, Douglas Charles, Henry
Arthur, Janet, John Bedford, Llewellyn Bedford, Marian
and Rose.
William Alexander Moffatt (-1954, 81yo)
John Monkhouse, Married Edith Charlotte Gibbs (-1951).
Child was Edith Gwen.
John Monkhouse, Married Edith Charlotte Gibbs (-1951).
Child was Edith Gwen.
James Newton/ Newton James Moore, Married Isabella
Lawrie. Children were Christina Zoe, Cora Isabel and
James Newton Rodney.
Newton John Moore
William Morgan, Married Julia Maria Bradley. Children
were Doreen Dympha, Philomena Zelph, Phyllis Maud
and Sylvester Joseph.
Charles Edwin Moyle (-1933). Married Esther Ellen Nalty
(-1955, 85yo). Children were Florence Elizabeth and
Frederick John.
Dr. James J. Murtagh, Married Lillian Francis Atkinson
(-1932). Child was Mary Gladys.
George Owens Nagel, Married Ellen Jane Adams.
Children were Lionel George, Pearlie Selina and Ruby
Joseph Henry Naylor (-1917). Married Elizabeth Hall.
Children were Ann Harriet, Dora, George Henry, Lina
Gladys, Maria, Mary Jane, Richard and William John.
Richard Naylor (-1949). Married Emily Gardiner. Child
was Edgar Richard Naylor.
Axel Nilsson (-1941). Married Bessie Metcalf (-1906). Child
was Fritjof.
Charles Henry Newman, Married Mary Hancock.
Children were Amy Florence and John Frederic.
Joseph Jones Withers (-1941). Married Eva Matilda
Bowden (-1947). Children were Edith Norma, Lyall
Wakefield and Ronald Pearce.
John R. Nesbitt (-1943)
Brownlow North
Daniel North (-1917). Married Mary Ann Cross (-1927).
Children were Anne Eliza, Arthur, Henry, Henry Walter,
Rosina, Sophia, William and William Edward.
Henry North, Married Sarah Kelly (-1954).
Arthur Norton (-1939). Mrried Hephzibah Mary Smith
(-1954, 86yo). Children were Beryl Eileen and Ethel
John Nunn, Married Edith Ambrosine Norris (-1960,
83yo). Children were Dorothy Ellen May, Edna Ann,
Horace James, Ivy Clifford and Reginald George.
Albert Ohman (-1935). Married Signe Athalia Wettessen
(-1915). Chidlren were Albert Frederick Sigurd and Vera
John Oldham, Married Isabella Gardiner (-1946).
Children were Elizabeth May, Isabella Ernestine and
Violet Constance.
Thomas William Paisley (-1928). Married Martha Rabiney
McGregor (-1949). Children were Cyril John, Ivy Gladys,
Leslie William, Selwyn Addey, Thomas McGregor and
Vera Agnes Margaret.
Gilbert Parker, Married Ellen Adkins. Children were Alice
Rebecca, Ellen Jane and Gilbert Alexander.
Henry Parsons
Peter R. Paull
Miss Dorothy Peacock
Henry James Phillips (-1949). Married Helen Hill (-1943).
Children were Albert Henry, Alexander James and Harry
Joshua Pickersgill (-1935). Married Susan Gibson (-1956).
Children were Amelia Ann, Charles, Cyril, Edith, Edward
James, Ernest Leslie, George, Walter, Roy and William
William Peacock Pomeroy (-1953). Married Amy Agnes
Catherine Trigwell.
James Port
James Cornish Port, Married Emma Hayman.
Benjamin Prosser (-1905, 38yo). Married Selina Scott.
Children were Daisy, Ellen and Muriel.
Henry Prosser/Harry Prosser (-1919). Married Rosina
North (1882-) Children were Thomas Daniel Prosser and
Frederick Charles Prosser
Robert Prosser (-1939). Married Amelia Gibson (-1970,
95yo). Children were Annie Laura, George Frederick,
Marion Amelia, Reginald Walter, Robert Henry and
William Thomas.
Mrs Mary Ann Pugh nee Bowden, Married Joseph
Henry Pugh. Child was Charley.
William Cunningham Ramsay (-1941). Married Emma
Lydia Osborn (-1946). Children were Barbara Clyinthia,
Cora Beryl, Harold Osborn, Irene Pearla and Roy
George E. Reading (-1947). Married Mena K Doust.
Henry Eagleton Reading (-10/10/1913). Married Elizabeth
Gallimore Albutt (-1924,. Child was John Forrest Piggott.
William James Reading (-1944). Married Rose Mildred
Teede (-1945). Child was Leonard William.
John Hugh Reid (-1946). Married Ada Jane Dixon (-1966,
85yo). Children were Arriway Mervyn, Catherine Margery
and John William.
Henry Alfred Wilkinson Rigg (-1931). Married Julia
Matilda Anderson. Children were Edgar Wilkinson, Ethel
Mary, Isabella Alice, Louisa May and Reuben Grace.
Hubert F. Rigg
James Robinson
Walter Charles Robinson (-1937). Married Amy Elizabeth
Willis (-1954, 87yo). Child was Dulcie May.
Joseph Rodgers, Married Elizabeth Thomas. Children
were Joseph James, Margaret Ellen and Susan Christina.
George Rodwell. Married Sarah Mehala Bradshaw
(-1946. Children were Clarence Hunter, Ernest Edwin,
Eva Pearl, George William Roy, Ida May and Leonard
William James Rodwell (-1956, 86yo). Married Jane
Hayes (-1931). Children were George William, Mervin
James and Walter Andrew.
George C. Rose, Married Alice Elizabeth Coppin.
Children were Bertha Alice Charlotte, Agnes Ethel May,
Daisy Hilda Violet Coppin, Frieda Maud, Harold Arnold
Colin and Vernon Herbert
Robert Henry Rose (c-1900). Married Maria Eliza
Haywood. Children were Robert Henry, William Allnutt,
Thomas Haywood, Ernest Mervyn, Edith Lucy and Amy
Ernest A. Roxburgh
Miss Amy Florence Pauline Ryves, Married Charles
William Richard Salter, Married Maud Caroline
Alexandra Gibson. Children were Caroline Isabel, Emily
Margaret, Richard and William Gallaway.
John Sampson
Mrs John Scott
Robert Scott
George Sharp. Married Helena Emily Elizabeth Wishart
(-1962, 83yo). Child was Gladys Maud Helena.
Harry Walter Sharp (-1946). Had a stillborn son with
Annie Metcalf in 1900.
John Shaw (-11/1/1932). Married Ada Parsons (-1956).
Children were Alma Ada, Irene May, John Henry, Lilian
Jane and Rose Marian.
John Shaw
Charles Edward Simmons (-1952). Married Ellen Ferris.
Children were Beatrice Ellen, Elizabeth Mary, John
William, Matilda Norah, Michael James and William
Albert Ernest Sinclair, Married Martha Ernestina
Weichart (-1901, 22yo). Children were Bertram John,
Ernest and Raymond Weichart.
Charles Sinclair, Married Margaret Alice Sinclair (-1956,
78yo). Children were Elsie May Margaret and Esther
Elizabeth Irene.
Daniel Lawrence Sinclair (-1944). Married Alice Eliza
Delaporte (-1948). Children were Dorothy Ringwood, Ella
Rose Ringwood and Lawrence Ringwod Roy.
John Sinclair. Married Julia Ringwood. Children were
Agnes Maud, Albert Ernest, Alethea Rachel, Charles
Augustus, Daniel Laurence, Egbert Bertram, Frederick
Ringwood, George Jeffry, James Robert, John Thomas,
Joseph Harrington, Julia Catherine, Margaret and Mary
John Thomas Sinclair junior. Son of John Sinclair
(-1927). Married Eleanor Wisbey. Children were Edwina
Penryn, Etna Gladys, Horace Stanley, John Sinclair
Wisbey, Lucille Maud, Septimus Frank and Wisbey
Alan W. Sloan, Married Amy G Buckland (-1941).
James Sloan (-1924, 78yo). Married Margaret Prat
Arthur Smith. Married Elizabeth Webb. Children were
Annie and Arthur Reuben.
James Smith
Alder S. Snell
Augustus Frederick Spencer (-1926). Married Agnes
Maud Teede (-1930). Children were Frank Ernest and
Gladys Maud.
Charles Edwin Spencer (-1935). Married Louisa Harriett
Kelley (-1924). Children were Arthur Adrian, Barbara
Eileen, Edna Sadie, Monica Glory and Thomas William.
Charles H. Spencer
Llewellyn Horace Spencer (-1954, 80yo). Married Mary
Ellen Johnson. CHildren were Ilma Zoe and Leonard
Thomas Edwin Spencer (-1904, 71yo). Married Ellen
O'Connell. Children were Albert Mark, Annie/Emma
Margaret, Charles Henry, Clarence William, Ellen Maud,
Julia Mary, Thomas Edwin and William John.
Engelbert Springman (-1933). Married Gertrude Rendler
(-1957, 84yo). Children were Alice Gertrude, Emma and
Engelbert Leschenault.
William Stranger
Frederick Walter Steere (-1938). Married Annie Wells
(-1940) . Children were Stanley Herbet, Sydney George
and Walter Cecil Wells.
Miss May Steers
Drury Stephenson, Married Emily Howard.
Thomas Stokes, Married Jane Baker. Children were
Ellen Eveline, Lily, Muriel and Thomas William.
Walter Sutcliffe (-1926). Married Martha Mayflower
Melvin (-1960). Child was Nellie Lillian Denyer.
Alexander Sutherland
Thomas Sunderland
Arthur Lamont Tait, Married Rose Agatha Roddy. Child
was Harold Jack Roddy.
Alfred Stuart Teede (-1920). Married Emma Russell
Mchard (-1943).
George Frederick Teede (-1935). Married Bertha Emily
Roberts (-1950). Children were Alma Eileen, Douglas
Vernon, Ernest Denzil, Guy Stanley and Mervyn George.
George Robert Teede, Married Hannah Elizabeth Hough
(-1914). Children were Agnes Maud, Charles Robert,
Daisy, Ernest Alfred, George Frederick, John Stirling,
Joseph Binfield, Rose Mildred and William James.
John Teede
Alfred D. Temple
Edwin H. Thomas
Clayton Timperley
Forrest Burges Timperley (-1937). Married Georgina
Letitia Zoe Spencer (-1906).
Frederick Henry Timperley (1905, 42yo). Married
Josepha Margaret Cummins (-1930). Children were
Dorothy Ethel, Harold John and Kathleen Maud.
William Henry Timperley (-1909). Married Rebecca
Properjohn (c-1910). Children were Alice Mary, Aughton
Percy, Blanche, Edith Ada, Forrest Burges, Frederick
Henry, Hannah May and Jervis Clayton. Registered
William George Tomkinson (-1924). Married Emily
Woodrow (-1938). Children were Amy, Charles Henry,
Edward George and Ida.
Henry John Trigwell Lived on Stephen street, Bunbury.
born 12/10/1844 in Gibraltar - 18/07/1900 (Married
Josephine Caroline Armstrong (c.1859 - 24/09/1920) in
1875) (Mother was Agnes Trigwell c.1822-05/06/1898)
(Children - Amy Agnes Catherine c.1877 - c.1924. Married
William Peacock Pomeroy c.1903, Herbert Henry c.1878 -
c.1940. Married Sarah A F Purser c.1915 , Ada Louisa
c.1880 - . Married George R Higgins c.1918 and Divorced
c.1921. Married Hartley Waterworth c.1922, Arthur Thomas
c.1883 - c.1961. Married Margaret A Peterson c.1914,
Frederick William c.1885 -c.1886 9mths old, Cecil c.1890 -
, Francis Armstrong 02/11/1892 - 06/02/1972, Alma
Josephine c.1895 - c.1952. Married Alexander C Forster
c.1921) (Siblings - John Trigwell, Ann Trigwell, Elizabeth
Amelia Trigwell, Richard James Trigwell, Walter William
Trigwell, George Trigwell, Charles Raymond Trigwell,
Thomas Henry Trigwell, Harriet Agnes Trigwell, Caroline
Emma Trigwell and Alfred Trigwell). His father built The
Anchor and Hope Inn in Donnybrook c.1845.
George Trott
Henry Thomas Trott (-1943). Married Mary Ann Matilda
Wilkins (-1940). Children were Edward Henry Thomas
and George Frederick.
James Trott, Son of Thomas Trott. Married Rose Dillon
(-1896). Children were Blanche Caroline, James, Joseph
Austin, Muriel Agnes and Rose Ellen.
Thomas Trott, Married Ellen Meade (c-1901, 69yo).
Children were Caroline, Elizabeth, Ellen Maria, Harriet,
Henry Thomas, James and Mary Ann.
John James Tuxford (c-1900, 36yo). Married Eliza
Frances Caroline Hill Hay. Children were Marjory, Ronald
William, Stuart Stirling and Wedd Hay.
Joseph Tylee (-1945). Married Sarah Hallert (1932). Had a
son, Thomas John Ludlow. Married Emily A White (-1964,
90yo) in 1934.
Andrew Tyler
Enoch Edmund Tyler (c-1935). Son of Handy Tyler.
Married Mary Ann Dillon. Children were Ada Jane, Ann
Julia, Ellen, Hannorah and Mary Elizabeth.
Mrs Julia Veale nee Foley (-1926). Married Nicholas
Veale (-1898, 59yo). Children were Catherine Mary, Ellen
Maud, Frederick William, Louisa Ellen, Michael Joseph
Francis Thomas, Nicholas John, Thomas, Thomas Henry
Francis and William Patrick.
John Leonard Walker. Married Rose Elizabeth Mary
William Walker
Mathew Edward Wallis. Married Jane Waddingham
(-1944). Children were Albert Edward, Clarence Herbert,
Douglas Kneale, Evaline Maud, John Richard Burns and
Violet Melrose.
William Wallrodt (-1922). Married Sarah Sutton (-1948).
Children were Louise Amelia Ruth and Robert Ernest
Christopher Walsh (-1907)
Patrick Waters (-1916). Married Bridget Hickey. Children
were Ann, Bridget, John, Mary, Thomas and William.
Thomas Watson
Benjamin Weiss (-1945). Married Caroline Ramsay (-1961).
Hyman Weiss (c- 1942). Married Miriam J. Freiwald (c
-1919). Children were Albert Harold, Doris Muriel, Fanny
Amelia and Isaac Harold.
Soloman Weiss (-1952). Married Catherine M Gorman
Walter Shirley Hales (-1940). Married Ada Mildred Rose
(-1922). Children were Frances Alexandra, Kathleen Rose
and Keith Stewart.
Francis Lawrence Wenn (-1916). Married Mary Ann Ford.
Children were Edward Herrold, Ethel Alina, Gladys
Philomena, Greta Eileen, Herbert Bailey and Muriel
James Frederick Wenn (c.1836 -1925). Married Ellen
Jarvis (1861-). Children were John Charles, James
Rossmore, Thomas William, Ebenezer Henry, Ellen Mary,
Harriet Jane, Frances Eva, Bertlia Louisa and Esther
James Rossmore Wenn (-1915). Married Selina Buswell
(-1930). Children were Brenda Pearl, Clarence Ross,
Douglas James, Ernest George, Evaline Maud, Frederick
Allan, Herbert Ross, Leslie Roy, Victoria Clarice and
William Henry.
Simeon W. Wenn (-1914)
Terence Wenn (-1946). Married Mary Agnes Hutchins.
Children were Alfred Edward, Norman Francis, Ivy, Lily
Elizabeth and Mervyn Bailey.
James White (c.1818 - 31st Oct 1912)
John White
Joseph White
Michael White (c.1861 - 23rd Jul 1919)
William White (c.1883 - 11th Aug 1908)
Thomas Wilkes
Charles Willey
David Ernest Williams. Married Mary Caroline Ryves.
Children were Margaret Eileen and Mary Poppy Bland.
Aubrey Ernest Wimbridge (-1942). Married May Clark
(-1958). Childrenw ere Eileen Maud May and Olive
William Matthew Wimbridge (-1933). Married Mary
Plunkett (-1942). Children were Amy Blanche, Edith May,
Frederick Oliver, Lucinda Pearl, Mabel Rose and William
Edward Henry Withers (-1942). Married Esther Blythe
(-1896). Children were Ada May, Charles Henry, Comfort
Esther, Cora Matilda, Flora Ellen, George Edward and
Sarah Ann.
Joseph J. Withers (-1904). Married Sarah Ann Walker.
Children were David Alexander, Joseph Jones, Reginald
and Theodosia Kate.
James Woodhead (-1928). Married Janet Louisa Scott
(-1964, 91yo).
Edward Woodrow - (1859-1937). Married Luey Crompton
(1880-). Children were Claude Edward, Alma, Sylvia
Francis and John Newton
Henry Zeplin (-1925)