Bunbury Residents 1904

Post Office Directory courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia. The originals can be viewed on the State Library of Western Australia’s website: Original Post Office Directory.

Note: All spellings are as they appear in the directory.


Abrahamson, Captain J. G., harbor master

Adelaide S.S. Company Limited

Allen, A.

Alting, J. M., tinsmith

Anderson, T., farmer

Angus, H. L., store

Armitage, W. B., bootmaker

Armstrong, W., miner

Arnold, G., carriage painter

Atkins, William Alexander, general merchant

August, F. S., senior

Austen, H.,

Aylett, James, carpenter

Ayre, J. A., carpenter

Baker, Edward W.

Balding, Charles, architect

Baldock & Company [J. G.], coach builders

Baldock, John G. [J. G. Baldock & Company]

Bank of Australasia (A. H. Tomkinson, manager)

Bann, Mrs M., nurse

Banting, Charles

Banting, John, junior, engine driver

Banting, Thomas, carpenter

Barker, W. R., agent A.M.P. Society

Barrett, Peter D., engine driver

Bartleet, Edward, carpenter

Bartley, Miss A., dressmaker

Beadell, G., landower

Beigel, H. M., wine & spirit merchant

Benckendorff, F. O., secretary. Importer Jarrah Wood

Paving Corporation Limited

Berry, John, carter

Birch, Richard, surveyor

Birchall, John, tailor

Bishop, Mrs J., nurse

Blight, E. E., blacksmith

Blythe, Albert, gardener

Blythe, Herbert

Blythe, Joseph, butcher

Blythe, Mrs James, boarding house keeper

Bogue, Fred A., brewer

Bogue, William

Boswell, Albin, contractor

Boswell, John, contractor

Boswell, Mrs

Boundy, William T., furniture dealer

Bowman, J., painter

Boyd, Steen, general commercial agent

Brackenbridge, Miss, dressmaker

Bradfield, Thomas, bootmaker

Brashaw & Company [H.], commission agents & livery


Brashaw, Harry [Brashaw & Company]

Braund, Robert

Bray, Charles

Bray, Friend, wheelwright

Bray, Reverend A. W. (Wesley Uniting Church)

Brittain, Edward

Brittain, Mrs J.

Brittain, Thomas

Brittain, W., undertaker

Brook, H. W. B., accountant

Brouse, J. A.

Brown, George, bricklayer

Brown, Henry, bricklayer

Brown, Thomas, inspector perth way

Buchanan, Reverend Andrew [Congregation]

Buck, Louis, water police

Buck, Mrs Catherine

Buckle, Jonathan, wheelwright

Buckley, Elizabeth V., dressmaker

Bull, William, carpenter

Bunbury Brewery Company Limited (E. G. Bushell,


Bunbury Brick Syndicate brickmakers

Bunbury Chamber of Commerce (F. W. Steere,


Bunbury Electrical Light & Power Station (Splatt Wall &

Company proprietors) Victoria Street

Bunbury Hardware Company [The], ironmongers,

Victoria Street

'Bunbury Herald [The]''[published Tuesday, Thursday &

Saturday) (“Bunbury Herald'' Newspaper Company

Limited proprietors (G. W. Keith, manager)

Bunbury Race Club, (A. F. Spencer, secretary)

Bunn, Mrs Margaret

Bunting, J., painter

Burcham, W. E. C., bailiff

Buswell, Albert, farmer

Buswell, Arthur

Buswell, Mrs Elizabeth

Buswell, Joseph

Buswell, W. J., brickmaker

Cahill, Patrick

Campbell, Phillip, baker

Caporn, Frederick Samuel, saddler

Caporn, Henry

Carandal, Mrs H. R. M.

Carey, Mrs Rose

Carr, John H., chemist & dentist, Victoria Street

Carroll, John

Castle, John, carterer

Castlett, Waldo E., jeweller

Christie & Sons [G.], watchmaker & jewellers

Christie, Allan D. [Christie & Sons]

Christie, Archibald R. [Christie & Sons]

Christie, George [Christie & Sons]

Christie, Miss Annie E.

Clarke, Honorable Ephraim Mayo m.l.c merchant

Clements, Miss Rose V.

Clifton Brothers, dairymen

Clifton, Charles [Clifton Brothers]

Clifton, Gervase [Clifton Brothers]

Clifton, Richard H., carpenter

Clively, Herbert E.

Coles, Felix, painter

Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited [fire,

marine & accident];agents-(fire & marine, William

Spencer & Sons) (accident, F. O. Benckendorff)

Connor, Miss Mary

Cook, A. C., watchmaker

Cooke, Eley, greengrocer

Cooke, John Henry, foreman timber mills

Coplestone, Herbert W., fancy repository

Corlett, W. J.

Cornish, C., draper

Coverley, William, carter

Cridland, Mrs Elizabeth

Crocker, David A., grocer

Cross, William, carter

Cusack, C. W. P., constable

Dalgety & Company Limited. merchants,shipping agents

& consultants [L. Spencer, manager.]. See advert facing

Agents Shipping

Dannell, Axel

Darling, Reverend H. [Church of England]

Davidson, J. D., grocer

Delaney, John, carter

Delaney, Thomas, bootmaker

Delaney, W. T., blacksmith

Delaporte, Herbert, carter

Delaporte, Thomas

Delaporte, William

De Prada, C. D.

Dermer, Edward W., dental surgeon

Dixon, James H., auctioneer

Dixon, Mrs S. M.

Dorance & Company [J.], tailors

Dorance, James

Doyle, Patrick, railway guard

Duce, John

Duffell, William

Dungey, T., greengrocer

Dye, S.

Earl, Henry, Glen Iris

Eastaugh, G. A.

Eastman, H. L., law clerk

Eastman, Kenneth McCaskill, solicitor, Victoria Street

Edwards, R. R., stevedore

Egglestone, Charles

Elliot, E.C., telephone. operator

English, James Emmett C., caterer

Erskine, Evellyn P., customs clerk

Erskine, Hugh, storekeeper

Evans, Alfred L., clerk

Evans, Thomas, guard

Everington, James W.

Farrell, Henry I.

Fee, William, clerk goods shed

Fenton, W. F., commercial agent

Flood, Denis, storekeeper

Flood, Mrs J.

Flynn, Ignatius J., medical practitioner

Foreman, Arthur R.

Forrest, George, roller flour mills

Forrest, Robert, Koombana steam roller flour mills

Fraenkell, Charles [Prosser & Fraenkell ]

Freeman, L., watchman railway depot

Freeman, William

Ganfield, Mrs William, flour miller

Gibbs, J. & H. contractors & undertakers

Gibbs, Athelstan, cashier post office

Gibbs, Ernest, carpenter

Gibbs, George, commercial agent

Gibbs, Harold [J. & H. Gibbs]

Gibbs, Harold W. [J. & H. Gibbs]

Gibbs, James D., carpenter

Gibbs, John [J. & H. Gibbs]

Gibson, Ernest

Gibson, Henry

Gibson, Walter, market gardener

Gibson, William, market gardener

Gibson, William, junior

Giddens, H., carter

Grant, A. F., manager. Union Bank

Griffen, Bernard

Guppy, W., carpenter

Haines, C. W.

Hales, W. S., accountant & general commercial agent

Hall, E. A., butcher

Hamilton, T. J., Glen Iris

Hamilton, Thomas, Glen Iris

Hammett, William

Hands, John E., merchant

Hands, John E., junior

Hannah, J.

Hansen, A. M.

Hansen, C., storeman

Hanson, C. H. constable

Hardey, E. J. telephone lineman

Hardey, R. J.

Harrington, D.

Harrington, Joseph, carpenter

Hastie, Charles L., contractor

Hastie, James, locomotive department

Hastie, John, carter

Hastie, Walter, blacksmith

Hastle, C. L.

Hawker, C. H. D., clerk

Hay, Mrs M., store

Haycox, William, engine driver

Hayes, Andrew

Hayes, William, farmer

Hayward & Son [Thomas.], merchants

Hayward, George [Hayward & Son]

Hayward, Thomas, Justice of Peace, Member of the

Legislative Assembly [Hayward & Son]

Healy, James, brickmaker

Hennessey, Patrick

Hevron, J., carriage examiner

Hickman, J., billiard marker

Hill, Charles R., bricklayer

Hinchcliffe, G., fitter

Hislop, James, boarding house

Hislop, James, junior

Hislop, Walter, carpenter

Holmes, T. C., inspector of police

Holtzman, H., plumber

Holywell, Elizabeth

Hornsby, Charles, farmer

Hough, Joseph, dairy farmer

Hough, Owen W., landing waiter

Hough, Robert, butcher

Houghton, Robert, fuel dealer

House, Charles, carter

Howie, E. T., clerk

Howie, Edwin

Huddart, Parker & Company Limited, T. Hayward & Son,


Humphries, D. G.

Hunter & Company Limited [John] (E. Krachler,


Illingworth, J. C., Rose hotel

Imperial Jarrah Wood Paving Corporation Limited

Jaques, Charles

Jaques, James

Jarrah Timber & Wood Paving Corporation Limited

Jarvis, Edward, carter

Jarvis, Evan, brickmaker

Jarvis, Frederick

Jarvis, James G.

Jarvis, Ross, carter

Jarvis, William, bricklayer

Jeffrey, Miss Agnes, teacher

Jeffrey, Thomas, farmer

Jenkins, J. H., clerk

Joel, S. J., medical. practitioner

Johansen, A.

Johnson & Company [B. M.], drapers

Johnson, B. M. [Johnson & Company]

Johnson, Henry

Johnson, James G.

Johnston, J. F., Justice of Peace farmer

Johnstone, George

Jolley, Thomas

Jones, C. T., baker

Jones, William, bricklayer

Keith, G. W., manager, Bunbury Herald Newspaper

Company Limited

Kelly, Martin, porter

Kennedy, Thomas, constable

Kidson, John M., confectioner

King, George

King, John, brickmaker

King, William

Kirton & Company, chemists

Kirton, Richard [Kriton & Company ]

Krachler, E., boot merchant

Larson, A. O., agent. Singer Manufacturing Company

Lawrence, F., painter

Lawrence, George

Lawrence, Miss Harriett, boarding house

Lawrence, Mrs E. H.

Leach, E., tailor

Learman, Henry

Leguier, M. [North & Leguier]

Lee, Woh, fruiterer

Lenson, William

Lewis, D., engine driver

Lloyd, George

Logan, E. W.

Lovely, W. A., manager, Imperial Jarrah Wood Paving

Corporation Limited

Loveridge, A. J., teacher

Lowe, R. W., manager. West Australian Bank

Lowrie, John, farmer

McCally, J., carpenter

McKay, John, engine fitter

McKean, John, railway

McLernon, J., constable

McVea, D., gaoler

Mainstone, Benjamin T., fruiterer

Manning, James

Marsh, W. L., Prince of Wales Hotel

Martelli, Reverend L. M. [Roman Catholic]

Martin, J., carpenter

Martin, W.

Maslin, Thomas

Masonic Hall [E. Woodrow, trustee]

Maxwell, J. W., compositor

Mead, F., photographer

Meade, John, farmer

Meeks, Mrs, boarding house keeper

Melbourne Steamship Company Limited. [Robert Forrest

agent) (A. M. Reid, manager for Western Australia] Cliff

Street. Fremantle

Melvin, W., saddler

Metcalfe, Mrs

Mews, Miss Edith, teacher

Meyer, H., butcher

Millars, Karri & Jarrah Company [1902] Limited

Milligan, Joseph

Mills, Alex, wood turner

Mills, Mrs A., store

Mitchell, Frederick, police sergeant

Mitchell, William Bedford, commercial agent

Moffatt, W.

Monkhouse, John, clerk post office

Monkhouse, John, engineer

Moore, James Justice of Peace

Moore, Newton J., surveyor & mayor

Morgan, William, ganger perth way

Moyle, Charles, railway

Municipal Free Reading Room & Library [A. North,


Murtagh, Dr. J. J. [College]

Nagel, George

Naylor, Joseph, storekeeper

Naylor, Richard

Nelsson, Axel, carpenter

Newman, C. H., machinist

New Zealand Accident Insurance Company (H.

Llewellyn Spencer, agent)

New Zealand Insurance Company [fire & marine] [F. W.

Steere, agent]

Nisbit, John, police constable

Noonan, B.

North & Leguier, bakers

North, A. N. & Leguier

North, Brownlow, treasury clerk

North, Daniel

North, Henry, brickmaker

North, Mrs H., dressmaker

North, Mrs M. A., storekeeper

Nunn, J., draper

O'Brien, W., constable

Ohman, Albert

Oldman, John

Painter, J.

Paisley, Thomas W., teacher

Parker, Gilbert, painter

Parsons, Henry, railway

Pasmore, Mrs C.

Paull, P. R., night officer

Payne, Mrs Ann, boarding house

Peacock, Miss D., dressmaker

Pearce, T. W., constable

Pearless, C., carter

Phillips, Henry, hairdresser

Pickersgill, Joshua

Pomeroy, William, clerk

Port, James C., manager, Jarrah Corporation Limited

Potter, W. J., carpenter

Pratt, W., brewer

Properjohn, C. D.

Properjohn, C. E., miller

Prosser & Fraenkell, boot & shoe manufacturers

Prosser, Benjamin

Prosser, Henry, bootmaker

Prosser, Robert

Pugh, Mrs Mary, Cricketers Arms hotel

Ramsay, J., butcher

Reading & Sons [H. E.], proprietors of ''Southern Times''

Reading, George E., [Reading & Sons]

Reading, Henry E., Justice of Peace [Reading & Sons]

Reading, William J., [Reading & Sons]

Reid, John

Reid, J. B., engine driver

Richardson, G., foreman

Richter, H., brewer

Rigg, Henry

Rigg, Hubert F., carpenter

Robertson, J.

Robertson, W., journalist

Robinson, G.

Robinson, James

Robinson, Walter C., station master

Rodgers, Joseph

Rodewell, George

Rodwell, Mrs

Rodewell, William, carpenter

Rooney, C. J., labourer

Rose, George C., Justice of Peace, Parkfields

Rose, Robert H., Justice of Peace, Moorlands

Roxnurgh, Ernest A., accountant Union Bank

Rundle, W.

Ryder, J., miner

Salter, W. R.

Sampson, John, medical practitioner

Sands, Maria, confectioner

Saunders, T. ,contractor

Scott, E., engine driver

Scott, J. C., wheelwright

Scott, Mrs John

Scott, Robert

Senior, Valarie R.

Sharp, George, Clerk

Sharp, Harry W.

Shaw, Alex, blacksmith

Shaw, E., ironmonger

Shaw, John, tailor

Shaw, M. C. A., Federal Hotel

Simmons, Charles E., compositor

Sinclair, John, light keeper

Sinclair, John, junior

Singer Manufacturing Co. (A. O. Larsen agent.)

Sloan, A. W.

Sloan, James, Aerated Water Manufacturer

Smith, Arthur

Smith, James

Snell, Alfred S., traffic manager

"Southern Times (The)" Published Tri-weekly (H. E.

Reading & Sons)

Speers, Miss O.

Spencer & Sons William, merchants, Victoria &

Stephens Streets

Spencer, Augustus F. (W. S. Spencer & Sons)

Spencer, Charles H.

Spencer, H. Llewellyn, manager, Dalgety & Company


Spencer, Mrs W.

Spencer, Thomas E.

Spencer, V. P. H., bank clerk

Springman, E.

Stranger, William, caterer

Stanley, Money & Walker, barristers, solicitors &


Steele, G. W.

Steers, Frederick W., architect, Victoria Street

Steers, Miss May, matron, Hospital

Stephenson, D.

Stokes, Thomas, Aerated Water Manufactuer

Stone, F. J., boarding house keeper

Sutcliffe, Walter, clerk

Sutherland, A. A., storekeeper

Sutherland, Thomas

Sweeth, T., mill hand

Tait, A. L., accountant

Tatham, M.J., tinsmith

Taylor, Mrs M.

Teede, Alfred

Teede, George F., tobacconist

Teede, George R., clerk of court

Teede, John, compositor

Temple & Company (Alfred D.), bakers

Terry & Wood, Burlington Hotel

Terry, A. (Terry & Wood)

Thomas, Edwin H., law clerk

Timperley, Clayton, clerk

Timperley, William H., resident magistrate

Tomkinson, W. G., foreman tannery

Topp, C.

Trigwell, A. J., blacksmith

Trott, George

Trott, Henry

Trott, James, brickmaker

Trott, Thomas

Tucker, J. J., town clerk, Bunbury

Tunks, A., railway clerk

Tuxford, John J., merchant

Tuxford, Mrs J. J.

Tylee, J., lime merchant

Tyler, Andrew, farmer

Tyler, Enoch, farmer

Union Bank of Australia Limited (A. F. Grant, manager)

Veale, M., baker

Veale, Mrs Julia, baker

Veale, P., labourer

Walker, H., labourer

Walker, John L., (Stanley, Money & Walker)

Walker, Mrs, dressmaker

Walker, William

Wallis, Matthew E., bulider

Waldrot, W., butcher

Walsh, Chris, locomotive department

Warner, H.

Water, Patrick, carter

Watson, Thomas

Weiss, Benjamin

Weiss, Hyman, storekeeper

Weiss, Soloman

Wellington Agricultural Society (W. S. Hales, secretary)

Wenn, Frank

Wenn, J.

Wenn, James, carpenter

Wenn, James R.

Wenn, Simeon W., carter

Wenn, Terence

West Australian Bank (The) (R. W. Lowe, manager)

White, James, Farmer

White, John

White, Joseph, contractor

White, Michael, railway guard

White, William, carter

Wilkes, Thomas, fencer

Willey, Charles, carter

William, W. H., labourer

Williams, D. Ernest, government medical officer

Williams, J. F., engine driver

Williams, S., accountant

Wimbridge, Aubrey

Wimbridge, William, Wellington Hotel

Withers & Company (J. J.), storeperson

Withers, Edward, carter

Withers, Joseph J. (J. J. Withers & Company)

Witton, J. B., drapers

Wood, — (Terry & Wood)

Woodhead, James, land agent

Woodhead, Mrs L., fancy repository

Woodrow, Edward, postmaster & district registrar

Woods, H. W., constable

Woodvine, B.

Wootton, W., manager, John Hunter Boot Company

Young, Miss, milliner

Zeplin, H, water police


Captain John George Abrahamson (9/3/1848 - 6/4/1918)

Robert Forrest

Alexander Allen (c.1886 -)

John Manus Alting (c.1853 - 1948). Children were

Constance, Gertrude and Ada

Thomas Anderson

Henry Laurence Angus (c.1863 - 8/2/1944).

William Blanchard Armitage (c.1944 - 23/3/1934).

William Armstrong

George Arnold

William Alexander Atkins (-1918). Married Harriet

Elizabeth Holgate (1869-). Children were William

Alexander, Edward and Mary Theresa

Henry Edward Austen (c. 1902-1964) 62yrs old, Born in


James Aylett (-1931) Married Grace L. Slater

John Alfred Ayre (c.1970 - 4/2/1915)

Edward William Baker. (c.1873 - 1959)

Charles Balding

John G. Baldock (-1933) Married Jessie H. Kimber

Charles George Banting (1875-1959, 84 years old)

Married Mary Elizabth Cesilia Tunney, Children:

Lawrence, Edna, Carmel, Allan, & Inex

John Banting Junior

Thomas Banting

Peter D. Barrett

Edward Bartleet

Herman Max Beigel (c.1864-1933)

Frederick O. Benckendorff

John Berry

Richard Birch

John Birchall

Edith Edna Blight (14/10/1983)

Albert Bythe

Herbert Blythe

Joseph Blythe

Frederick Aloysious Bogue (c.1862 - 25/2/1939

William Bogue

Albin Boswell

John Boswell

William T. Boundy

Steen Boyd

Thomas Bradfield

Harry Brashaw

Robert Braund

Charles Bray

Friend Bray

Reverend Albert William Bray (c.1859 - 3/10/1940)

Edward Brittain

Thomas Brittain

William Henry Branch Brooke (03/12/1952) yo 90

George Brown

Henry Brown

Thomas Brown

Reverend Andrew Buchanan (1831-1923) 

Louis Buck

Mrs Catherine Buck

Johnathan Buckle

Elizabeth V. Buckley

William Bull

Margaret Bunn

Albert J. Buswell, Married Margaret M Byrne (1913)

Arthur Buswell

Eliza Buswell nee Cross (-1914). Married Joseph Buswell.

Children were Alban, Arthur, Ellen Jane, Henry, Selina,

Walter John and 3 sons named Joseph who died in

infancy( 1870, 73 and 76).

Joseph Buswell

William J. Buswell

Patrick Cahill

Phillip Campbell

Frederick Samuel Caphorn (-1949). Married Margaret

Sinclair (1890-). Children were George Jeffery, Eric

Hopetoun, Frederick John and Cummerford Ringwood


Henry Caporn (-1949). Married Harriet Buskerville (1873-).

Children Were Henry Charles and Mary Anne Harriet

Marie Rosalie Homerine Carandal (09/05/1919)

Rose/Rosa Carey nee Strickland (- 1911). Married

Thomas Campbell Carey ( -1884) . Children were Clara

Carlotta and Dora.

John H. Carr

John Carroll

John Castle

Waldo E. Castlett

Allan D. Christie

Archibald R. Christie

George Christie

Annie E. Christie (24/08/1992), Alias- (Annie Bardsley)

Ephraim Mayo Clark (1846-1921)

Rose V. Clements

Charles Clifton

Gervase Clifton

Richard H. Clifton

Herbert Edward Clively (1930), Spouse (Beatrice Irvine


Felix Coles

Miss Mary Conner

Eley Cooke

John Henry Cooke, Married Emily Wisbey (-1927).

Children were Eva Janet, Frederick Eley, Herbet

Christopher, Launa Blanche, Leonard Charles, Roy

Wisbey, Vera Elizabeth and Wesley John.

Herbert W. Coplestone

William Coverley

Elizabeth Cridland

David A. Crocker

William Cross

Axel Dannell

John Delaney

Thomas Delaney (-1904) 76 yo, married Bridget M

Whitagan Children are, John, Thomas, Mary, Margaret,

Ctherine and Elizabeth

Herbert Delaporte

Thomas Delaporte

William Delaporte

Edward W. Dermer

James Henry Dixon. Married Sarah Maria Mainwaring.

Children were Constance Harcourt.

James Dorance

Patrick Doyle (-1909) 45yo

John Duce

William Duffell

Henry Earl

Charles Eggleson, Married Minnie Ursula Darcy in 1893.

Children were Frank Darcy and Frederick.

James Emmett English

Evellyn P. Erskine

Hugh Erskine

Alfred L. Evans

Thomas Evans

James W. Everington

Henry I. Farrell

William Fee

Denis Flood

Ignatius Joseph Flynn (-1944) Sons were Frank, Michael,

John, Joe, Dan and Leo and had 5 daughters.

Arthur R. Foreman

George Forrest

Robert Forrest

Charles Fraenkell

Louis Freeman

William Freeman

William Ganfield

Athelstan Gibbs

Ernest Gibbs

George Gibbs

Harold Gibbs

Harold W. Gibbs

James D. Gibbs

John Gibbs

Ernest Gibson

Henry Gibson

Walter Gibson

William Gibson

William Gibson junior

Alexander F. Grant

Bernard Griffen

Charles William Haines

Ernest A. Hall

Thomas Hamilton

William Hammett

John E. Hands

John E. Hands junior

Arthur M. Hansen

Charles Hansen

Christian H. Hanson

Daniel Harrington

Joseph Harrington

Charles L. Hastie

James Hastie

John Hastie

Walter Hastie

Charles Hawker

William Haycox

Andrew Hayes

William Hayes

George Hayward

Thomas Hayward

James Healy

Patrick Hennessey

Charles R. Hill

James Hislop

James Hislop junior

Walter Hislop

Elizabeth Holywell

Charles Hornsby

Joseph Hough

Owen W. Hough

Robert Hough

Robert Houghton

Charles House

Edwin Howie

Charles Jaques

James Jaques

Edward Jarvis

Evan Jarvis

Frederick Jarvis

James George Jarvis (1846-1912). Married Marie

Spencer. Children were Alice May, Charles Bertram,

Edward Thomas, Ernest William, Frank, Frederick John,

james George, Leonard George, Louisa Emma and


Ross Jarvis

William Jarvis

Miss Agnes Jeffrey

Thomas Jeffrey

Henry Johnson

James G. Johnson

George Johnstone

Thomas Jolley

William Jones

Martin Kelly

Thomas Kennedy

John M. Kidson

George King

John King

William King

Richard Kirton

George Lawrence. Married Ellen Jane Buswell. Children

were Agnes Emily, Daisy Alma, Francis May, George

David, Leslie Walter, Mary Maria, Minna Ellen and Preston


Harriet Lawrence

Henry Learman ( -1917). Married Catherine Armstrong

Morrison (-1904, 72yo). Children were Henry and Rachel


Woh Lee

William Lenson

David Lewis

George Lloyd

Edward W. Logan

Arthur J. Loveridge

Richard W. Lowe

John Lowrie

John McKay

John McKean

Benjamin T. Mainstone

James Manning

Joseph Martin

William H. Martin

Thomas Maslin, Married Sarah Andrews Thomas.

Children were Amelia, Elizabeth, Letitia, Sarah Anne and

William Henry.

John Meade

Edith Emily Mews

Joseph Milligan (-1944). Married Elizabeth Fee. Children

were James Forbes Fee, Marguerite Evelyn Elizabeth,

Mary Kathleen and William Joseph.

Alex Mills

Frederick Mitchell

William Mitchell

John Monkhouse

John Monkhouse

James Moore

Newton J. Moore

William Morgan

Charles Moyle

George Nagel

Joseph Henry Naylor (-1917). Married Elizabeth Hall.

Children were Ann Harriet, Dora, George Henry, Lina

Gladys, Maria, Mary Jane, Richard and William John.

Richard Naylor

Axel Nelsson

John Nisbit

Brownlow North

Daniel North

Henry North

Albert Ohman

John Oldman

Thomas William Paisley (-1928). Married Martha Rabiney

McGregor (-1949). Children were Cyril John, Ivy Gladys,

Leslie William, Selwyn Addey, Thomas McGregor and

Vera Agnes Margaret.

Gilbert Parker

Henry Parsons

Ann Payne

Henry Phillips

Joshua Pickersgill (-1935). Married Susan Gibson (-1956).

Children were Amelia Ann, Charles, Cyril, Edith, Edward

James, Ernest Leslie, George, Walter, Roy and William


William Pomeroy

James Cornish Port. Married Emma Hayman.

Benjamin Prosser

Henry Prosser/Harry Prosser (-1919). Married Rosina

North (1882-) Children were Thomas Daniel Prosser and

Frederick Charles Prosser

Robert Prosser

Mary Pugh

George E. Reading

Henry Eagleton Reading (-10/10/1913)

William J. Reading

John Reid

Henry Rigg

Hubert F. Rigg

James Robinson

Walter C. Robinson

Joseph Rodgers

George Rodewell

William Rodewell

George C. Rose, Married Alice Elizabeth Coppin.

Children were Bertha Alice Charlotte, Agnes Ethel May,

Daisy Hilda Violet Coppin, Frieda Maud, Harold Arnold

Colin and Vernon Herbert

Robert H. Rose

Ernest A. Roxnurgh

John Sampson

Maria Sands

John Scott

Robert Scott

Valarie R. Senior

George Sharp

Harry W. Sharp

Alex Shaw

John Shaw

Charles E. Simmons

John Sinclair

John Sinclair junior

James Sloan (-1924, 78yo). Married Margaret Prat

Arthur smith

James Smith

Alfred S. Snell

Augustus F. Spencer

Charles H. Spencer

Llewellyn H. Spencer

Thomas E. Spencer

William Stranger

Frederick W. Steers

May Steers

Thomas Stokes

Walter Sutcliffe

Thomas Sutherland

Alfred Teede

George F. Teede

George R. Teede

John Teede

Alfred D. Temple

Edwin H. Thomas

Clayton Timperley

William Henry Timperly (-1909). Married Rebecca

Properjohn (c-1910). Children were Alice Mary, Aughton

Percy, Blanche, Edith Ada, Forrest Burges, Frederick

Henry, Hannah May and Jervis Clayton.Registered


George Trott

Henry Trott

James Trott

Thomas Trott

John James Tuxford (c-1900, 36yo). Married Eliza

Frances Caroline Hill Hay. Children were Marjory, Ronald

William, Stuart Stirling and Wedd Hay.

Andrew Tyler

Enoch Edmund Tyler (c-1935). Son of Handy Tyler.

Married Mary Ann Dillon. Children were Ada Jane, Ann

Julia, Ellen, Hannorah and Mary Elizabeth.

Julia Veale

Patrick Veale

Henry Walker

John L. Walker

William Walker

Matthew E. Wallis

Chris Walsh

Patrick Water

Thomas Watson

Benjamin Weiss

Hyman Weiss

Soloman Weiss

Frank Wenn

James Wenn

James R. Wenn

Simeon W. Wenn

Terence Wenn

James White (c.1818 - 31st Oct 1912)

John White

Joseph White

Michael White (c.1861 - 23rd Jul 1919)

William White (c.1883 - 11th Aug 1908)

Thomas Wilkes

Charles Willey

Ernest D. Williams

Aubrey Wimbridge

William Wimbridge

Edward Withers

Joseph J. Withers

James Woodhead

Edward Woodrow

Henry W. Wood

John W. Wootton

Henry Zeplin