Bunbury Residents 1934 to 1935
Post Office Directory courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia. The originals can be viewed on the State Library of Western Australia’s website: Original Post Office Directory.
Abrahamson, H H, Wittenoom Street
Abrahamson Miss H, Rathmines
Adams Archdeacon Henry J, Princep Street
Adams J H, Molloy Street
Adamson Arthur A Parkfield Street
Adcock Bros, grocers, Charles street
Adcock Charles James, Carey Road
Adelade, SS Co Ltd (W E McKennon, agent)
Allen A A, baker, Spencer Street
Agric Bank, Stephen Street
Alexander Cafe (John Laming Alexander Cafe (GA
Allen Eli Vigneron, Geelorup
Alvia Hrdrsg Saloon (Miss E Ridley & Carlson, PPRS)
Anderson, Hartley M, sec Rds Bd and Agric Soc
Anderson, Ian W (Slee & A)
Anderson Miss Elizabeth A, Molloy Street
Anderson R L, elect contr, Victoria Street; p r, Tuart
Andrews Harry B, Zoe Street
Aram Thomas J, Carey Street
Arcadia Tea Rooms (E Bartlett). Victoria Street
Armstrong John R, Ramsay Road
Athans Constantine, Rathmines
Atkins George, Moore Street
Atkinson S, manager Union Bank
Auguston Frank E, Spencer Street
Auguston V W, taxi ppr, 72 Spencer Street
Austin Henry E, Norwood Street
AMP Society, Stephen Street (L R Honey, agent)
Austin Miss L, sec Bunbury Theatres Ltd
AUSN Co Ltd, Hayward & Son Ltd, agents)
Austn steamships pty ltd
Ayton A, Wellington Street
Baldock A H, clothes peg factory, Stirling street
Baker Miss B, dressmaker, Victoria Street
Bank Of Australia (J S. Fawcett, Manager) Wellington
Bank of NSW (B O Canny, manager) Banting Bridget,
Sampson Street
Banting, James L, Town Old, Tuart Street
Banting Thomas J. carpenter, Moore Street
Barboutis John, Cafe, Victoria Street
Barrett A W, engine driver
Barron Mrs B, Wittenoom Street
Bartlett E, Arcadia Tea Rms, Victoria street
Bartlett Edwin, carpenter, Beach Road
Bartley, Ellen, Spencer Street
Bbidecud Wine Saloon (G H Joel, manager), Victoria
Beaglehole Sampson, Carey Road S
Beauglehole Henry. Australind road
Becker Gustav A, Cross Street
Bedford Hall, Arthur Street
Beer George, Stuart Street
Beer, Lilly, nurse, Spencer Street
Beer Mrs B K, tea rooms (baths)
Beer, Robert Jun, Bath's ppr, Columbia Street
Beer William J, Tuart Street
Belgel & Co H M (J O Macnish, manager), wine saloon
and spirit merchants, Princep Street
Benson & Crute butchers
Benson Arthur R, butcher, Symmons Street
Bentley L M, Edward Street
Bickley Alex, Forrest Avenue
Biesot, Mrs H M, Carey Street
Biffen, Harry C, Jarrah Street
Birch Eric, Hayes Street
Birch, H E, Stockley Road
Birchall John, tailor, Stephen Street
Bird, E, Sampson Road
Black David P. Teede Street
Blythe George, Oakley Street
Blythe Herbert, bootmaker, Albert Road
Blythe Horace, Albert Road
Blythe Mrs E L, Spencer Street
Blythe Mrs F, James Street
Bolden J J L, Rose Street
Bolden John L, motor car ppr Rose Street
Bon Marche (L J Craddock ppr) drprs Victoria Street
Bonser, Harrier, Charles Street
Bonser V (manager Manchester House) Drapers
Borrett Raydon, Tuart Street
Bostock Frederick, Gibson Street
Bostock William H, Tuart Street
Boulter Alfred H, Mercer and Clotheir Victoria Street pr
Haig Road
Bourne R G, Money Street
Bowden Eric C, Karri Street
Boyce Frederick, Jarrah Street
Boyce John P, rcecrse sth
Bradley Arthur F, Spencer Street
Bradshaw S H, manager Millars Tim & Trading Co Ltd
Carey Street
Bradshaw Stan H, Carey Street
Bray James, hairdresser and bookseller Victoria Street
Brede Walter, Moore Street
Bright Alfred, Zoe Street
Brittain and Son William, undertakers and mon masons
Spencer Street
Brittain Alfred E, Clark Street South
Brittain James E, Clarke Street South
Brittain Mrs C G, Rathmines
Brittain Percy D, carpenter
Britza, George F, Latrelle Road
Brodie Sydney, Carey Street
Brown Albert W, Moore Street
Brown F M, mtr gar Spencer Street
Brown Micheal, Princep Street
Browne Miss M, St Claire Private Hospital Lovegrove
Bruce George, Stuart Street South Bunbury
Buck George R, Tuart Street
Buck James, engine driver Blackwood Road South
Buck, Roy B, Fielder Street
Bunbury Agric Soc Victoria Street (H M Anderson,
Bunbury Benev Soc (A Mitchell secretatry)
Bunbury Ben bdg invest and loan soc (perm) (Edith
Steere (secretary) Stephen Street
Bunbury Broadcasters co (6 BY) Arthur Street
Burnbury Cemetery Wellington Street: and Picton
Bunbury Convent of Mercy, Wittenoom Street
Bunbury Court house (R Rees) Clerk of Courts
Bunbury Cycle Club (W Milligan secretary)
Bunburyy Dioces Reg (W S Hales Stephen Street)
Bunbury Free Reading Rm and Library ( Miss I G Paisley
librarian) Stephen Street
Bunbury Gold Club (D Parry secretary)
Bunbury Harbour Board
Bunbury High School
Bunbury Hospital Bunbury Hosp Comm (R A Fowler
Bunbury Lawn Tennis Club James Street
Bunbury Lighthouse Marlston Hill (J T Sinclair actg
Lighthouse keeper)
Bunbury Local Bd Health (M Renton inspector)
Bunbury Lumpers union of Workers (R W Guppy
secretary Victoria Street
Bunbury Miniicipal Chambers (J L Banting, town clerk)
Stephen Street
Bunbury Munic Electic Light F Charless Halkyard
engineer Princep Street
Bunbury Police station Wittenoom Street
Bunbury Post and Tel Office
Bunbury Power House (William McCoulloch, engineer in
Bunbury Public Works
Bunbury Race Club (H M Anderson, secretary)
Bunbury Repatriation Industries (N C Ryder) Victoria
Bunbury Rifle Club
Bunbury Roads Board (H M Anderson, secretary)
Victoria Street
Bunbury Rowing Club (R Fulerton, secretary)
Bunbury Show Grounds (C F Dodson, secretary)
Bunbury Soccer Club (J L Mackenzie, sec)
Bunbury Slrd rst Wollaston Street
Bunbury State High School Haig Road
Bunbury State School (R F Trotter, head teacher) Arthur
Bunbury SS Infants (Miss Gow, head Teacher)
Bunbury SS manual Traning
Bunbury Stevedoring Co (W H McEwan)
Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club
Bunbury Tech School
Bunbury Theatres Ltd Victoria Street
Bunbury Traders Assoc
Bunbury Yacht club
Bunn George, carpenter Stirling Street
Bunbury water supply
Bunning Bros ltd saw millers
Burcham William E C, painter Spencer Street
Burlington hotel Victoria Street (R C Connell)
Burnell William A, Spencer Street
Buswell Albert, Fielder Street South Bunbury
Buswell Arthur W, Vasse Road
Buswell Claude H, Fielder Street
Buswell Llewellyn J, Wittenoom Street
Butler Joseph, Moore Street
Cahill George, Blackwood Road
Canberra Hostel Victoria Street (E Duff)
Caporn Frederick Samuel, saddler Wellington Street
Caporn George J, Ocean Drive
Caris Bros jewellers, Victoria Street
Carlson Henry, Forrest Avenue
Carlson Miss (Alvia Hairdressing Co)
Carr & Co J H, chemist (A V Parkes, manager) Victoria
Carroll, Joseph, manager Elder Smith and Co Ltd
Carter Mrs M S, Victoria Street
Carter Robert, Spencer Street
Carter Samuel, fire station; pr, Wellington Street
Cash & Carry Stores (H H Sherry, ppr) Victoria Street
Cavalier Cafe (J Salvarez)
Chadd & Whitty
Chadd, T P, grocer, Stirling Street
Chadd Thomas P, Jarrah Street
Chapman Edward, Clarke Street South
Chester Frank H, Wittenoom Street
Chinery Albert, Gibson Street
Christensen, A G, Karri Street
Christie, Allan D, Tuart Street
Church of Christ, Spencer Street
Clarke, Bret, store , Stephen Street, p r Austral Parade
Clarke G E, JP, estate agent Wellington Street pr, Oakley
Clarke, Jack A, dentist, Victoria Street
Clarke James C, Picton
Clarke Mrs E M, Picton Crescent
Clifford William T, Symmons Street
Clifton, Richard H, Eileen Street
Coir A, ice cream mfr , Park Street
Cole, John, Spencer Street
Coles, Frederick W, Tuart Street
Colless C R, watchmaker, Victoria Street
Col Mut Fire Ins Co Ltd
Comel Club Ltd Symmons Street
Commonwealth Bk (C J Franklyn, manager), Stephen
Commonwealth Mercentile & Marine Office, Victoria
Commonwealth Navigation Service, Victoria Street
Commonwealth Div Ret Offr Swan
Cong church Princep Street
Connel, R C, Burlington Htl, Victoria Street
Connor George C, Princep Street
Convent School Columbia S
Cook Henry R.. Rathmines
Cooke Edward, The Strand
Cooke, John J, the Strand
Cooke, Wilfred F, Lovegrove Avenue
Corbett, Edward, Ommaney Street
Coutas, Apostolas, Rathmines
Cowan Leslie M, Princep Street
Cox Bros, Stephen Street
Cox George, studio and photographic supplies,
Street; pr, Tuart Street
Craddock Lewis J, (Bon Marche)
Crews, Albert C, elct ftr, George Street
Cridland Arthur B, Carey Street
Cridland, George, Gibson Street, S Bunbury
Cridland Henry W, Gibson Street
Cridland Mrs E, Gibson Street S
Crockett, L L, residing magistrate Zoe Street
Cross Teresa, Gibson Street
Cross, William R, Gibson Street South
Crute, David H, Rathmines Estate
Cullen, A F, medical practice, Spencer Street
Culph, Robert, Queensbury Street, SB
Cuming Smith and Mt lyell Farmers' Fertilsers Ltd
Customs And Excise Office (C G King, Officr) Victoria
Dale, Flora, Cross Street
Dale, Henry, painter
Dale Mrs Dora, Clifton Street
Dalton Mrs Mary E, Halsey street
Daniel Joseph, Wittenoom Street
Davies Mrs M A, Spencer Street
Davis-Moore, Ferderick J B, Molloy Street
Dean, J, dentist, Stephen Street
Dean, Mrs Hilda, Beach Road
Delaney, William T, blacksmith Stirling Street
Delaporte, Aubrey G, Spencer Street
Delaporte, Herbert T, Fielder Street sth
Delaporte Horace, Vasse Road
Delaporte, Miss E R, Syramons Street
Delaporte Richard, Rathmines
Delaporte Subert A, Spencer Street, S By
Delaporte, Thomas R, contractor, Spencer Street (sth)
Delfs, John, stevedore, Symmons Street
Denning, Herbert E, King Road
Denning William L, King Road
Depiazzi, John, Forrest Avenue
Derby G G, blacksmith, Stirling Street
Diggins, Arnold L, Gaoler Wittenoom Street
Dillon, John, Railway parade
Dilllon Terence J, crtr, Spencer Street (Sth()
Dillon, Thomas, George Street
Dodge Brothers Motor Cars (Thomas Hayward and Son
Ld agents)
Dodson, C F, Picton Crescent and secretary Wellington
Agricultural and Pastrol Society, Victoria Street
Dodson Charles, manager W Crosby and Co, and agent
Adel SS Co, Victoria Street
Donaldson, Clair, George Street
Donaldson, Frederick G, Jarrah Street (Sth)
Donaldson Captain James, Harbour Masters Office,
Victoria Street
Donaldson Tom L, Federal Hotel S
Donaldson, V A, gar, Arthur Street
Donovan, Frank R, Charles Street
Donovan, John, Forrest Avenue
Donovan Percy, Beach Road
Downes Thomas G, printer, Wellington Street, pr, Fraser
Doyle Patrick, Spencer Street Sth
Drill Hall (P Tweedle, in ch) Wittenoom Street
Duce, Caroline, Molloy Street
Duckworth, M, agent, Stephen Street
Duff, Edward, Pastrycook, Victoria Street, pr, Money
Duff's Flats, Money Street
Eastman and Jenour, solctors, Victoria Street
Eastman, Kenn McC, solicitor (E and Jenour) Austral
Edwards, Captain Rowly R, master stevedore, Victoria
Street pr The Strand
Eggleston, Charles, market gardener Forrest Avenue,
South Bunbury
Elder Smith & Co Ltd (J Carroll, mgr), merchants
Elite Tea Rooms (F Whelean, poppriotor)
Ellson, George D, saddler, Charles Street
Emmet H W, carrier & wood merchant, Beach Road
Emmett, Howard, Beach Road
English, James N
Ennis, Arthur J, manager Westralia
Evans George, blackmsith, Beach Road South
Evans Percy J, confectioner, tea rooms & tobacconist,
Victoria Street
Evill, Samuel J, Karri Street
Ezywalkin Ltd. (J. Zampatti, manager) Boot and Shoe
Dealers, Victoria Street
Farness, Joseph, Beach Road
Farnsworth Alex, tea rooms, Victoria Street
Farquhar, Harry, Charles Street
Fawcett J, manager Bank of Australasia, Wellington
Featherstone, Emerson H, Princep Street
Fee William H, clerk goods shed, Blackwood Road
Fehr, T J, Wittenoom Street
Ferguson, P R, manager, National Bank of Australasia
Fenlon, Thomas, Buchannan Street S
Ferguson, Olive, shopkeeper
Fire Station (E G Rosser supt)
Firth H, Wellington Street
Fitch. Percival G (manager C and H Locke Ltd),
Wellington Street
Flaherty Miss E E, artist, Spencer Street SB
Fleming Henry, Goerge Street
Flindell George, Clifton Street
Flindell George S, Beach Road
Flynn Ignatius J, medical practice, Stirling Street
Foale Percy, Stirling Street
Foreman Arthur R. JP (Hayward & Son) Clifton Street
Forrest Estate (offfices), Victoria Street (A E Properjohn
Forster James, Minninup Road
Foss Mrs Margaret, Wittenoom Street
Fouacre & Wass. butchers, Victoria Street
Fowler George, Moore Street
Fowler Russel A. Tuart Street
Foxwell Lionel, Hayes Street
Franklyn C J, manager Commonwealth bank of
Australia, Stephen Street
Freeman Annie, Karri Street
Freeman L L. grocer, Victoria Street
Freeman Leslie L, Beach Road
Freemasons' Hall Wittenoom Street
Fresh Air League Home
Frewin Arthur J. Clifton Street
Frewln David, Rathmines
Fritchley, Roland, Beach Road
Fullerton R (sec Bunbury Rowing Club)
Ganfield Robert, Spencer Street
Ganfield William, Patrick Street S
Gardnier and Martin, bakers Blackwood Road
Gardiner Henry J, Lovegrove Avenue
Gates Fred C, Zoe Street
Gibbs, Mrs Jane, Wittenoom Street
Gibson B, carrier, Banksia Street
Gibson, Charles R, lager saloon, Spencer Street
Gibson Clarence, Clarke Street
Gibson George, ctr, Constitution Road
Gibson Harold E, Banksia Street
Gibson Henry, swyr, Spencer Street S
Gibson Jesse, gdnr, Halsey Street South
Gibson Leonard, Clarke Street
Gibson Mrs A, Constitution Road, SB
Gibson W J, baker, Victoria Street
Gibson Walter, Mangles Estate
Gibson William, Clarke Street
Gibson William, Wittenoom Street
Gillet Clifton, Bury Street
Gilmour Robert B, cycle agent Stephen Street; pr
Spencer Street
Glencross James, Wittenoom Street
Goldfields Children's Fresh Air League
Golding H R, secretary South Western Club, Money
Goode, Durrant and Co Ltd warehouseman (smple rms)
Princep Street
Goodlad Matt, Constitution Road
Gorman Harry A, Victoria Street
Gorman Lawrence, Victoria Street
Goss Albert V, Stockley Road sth
Govt Labour Bureau,Court House
Govt Weighbridge, Victoria Street
Graves G, bdghse
Green George, Rathmines
Green Mrs Emily, Kings Road
Greenmount May E, Wittenoom Street
Gregory Robert W, Minninup Road sth
Greive Lilian S, King Road
Griffen Bernard C, cptr, Clarke Street sth
Griffiths Mark, Thomas Street
Griffiths, Thomas, Clifton Street
Guppy Rudolph W, lumper Francis Street Sth
Hague Mrs M M, nurse, Wittenoom Street
Hale W A, Wittenoom Street
Hales J, Queensbury Street S
Hales, Walter S, agent and Diocesan sec, Stephen
Halkyard, F Charles, engineer, Elect Light Sup, pr Jarrah
Hall John, caretaker, Recreational Ground, Symmons
Hall Mrs E, Queens Street sth
Hancock & Sons Ltd, mon sclptr, Spencer Street
Hands J E, Wittenoom Street
Hansen Chris, Moore Street
Hansen Miss L, Haig Road
Hanson Mrs Elizabeth, Stirling Street
Harbour Masters Office (Captain James Donaldson)
Victoria Street
Harland Elizabeth, Jarrah Street
Harris Mrs A, Kings Road, SB
Hartzer, Richard, Norwood Street
Hastie Charles A, Queens Street
Hastie James F, fttr, Spencer Street
Hastie James L, loco dept, Spencer Street
Hastie L R, Turner Street
Hastie Robert, Blackwood Street
Hastie Robert, carpenter George Street
Hastie Thomas, Fielder Street sth B
Hastie Walter, Charles Street
Hastie William, Spencer Street
Hatton, Mrs C, dressmaker, Victoria Street
Hay, Albert E, Forrest Avenue
Hayes and Donaldson, gen engineers, Arthur Street
Hayes Alexander, Thomas Street
Hayes, Andrew, Albert Road
Hayes James, Albert Road
Hayes, Very Reverend, Dean Peter
Hayes Reginald, Hayes Street
Haywards and Son Ltd Thomas merchants and agents
Stephen Street
Healy Thomas W. Charles Street
Heatly John W, Vasse Road
Heeps, Laura, tea rms, Victoria Street
Henderson, Clarence, Skewes Street
Henderson Robert, moter car and bus propr, Stephen
Street ; pr Clifton Street
Henshaw Henry L, Cornwell Street
Hewett R C, dressmaker, Tuart Street
Hickey, E H, Clifton Street
Hicks Sydney, Charles Street
Higgens C J W, Tuart Street
Higgon David M, railway par, SB
Hill W, Charles Street
Hobbs Henry, Clifton Street
Hollis, John, bricklayer, Symmons Street
Hollole Robert, Francis Street
Holloway Alfred E, Ednie Street
Holmgren, John, Sampson Road
Holtman Mrs E F, Park Street
Holtzman Norm G, plumber, Stephen Street pr Karri
Street S Bunbury
Holywell Mrs E, Beach Road Sth
Honey and Co, L R, cust agents
Honey Lionel R, JP, Spencer Street
Horn Aubrey S, painter, Stephen Street
Horne Sydney A, Eliot Street
Hosking Herbert, Karri Street Sth
Hornsby Ada C, Blackwood Road
Hotchin Charles L, Stirling Street
Hough & Sons Ltd Joseph G, builder & contractor,
Victoria Street pr Austral Parade
Hough B, Rathmines
Houth G M, Austral Parade
Hough James, Sen, The Strand
Hough Percy, Tuart Street
House Albert, Minninup Road
House Charles H, Railway Parade
House H T, Clarke Street S
House Mrs Susan, Beach Road South By
Household Management school Stirling Street
Houstan John, Spencer Street
Hovey Thomas, Thomas Street
Howard Frank, plumber Stephen Street, pr, Wittenoom
Howleson J, Picton Crescent
Huddart Parker Ltd (Hayward & Son Ltd, agents),
Wollaston Street
Hughs J O, Stirling Street
Hughs James, White Road
Hughs, John, Albert Road
Hume A H, Mangle Street SB
Hunter Charles M, Charles Street
Hunter John, Clifton Street
Inkpen F J, postmaster, pr Money Street
b, Fraser Street
I O R Hall ( R Uren,secretary), Princep Street
International Harv Co (G E Clarke, agent), Victoria Street
Iron Age potato machy, Thomas Hayward & Son, agents
Irvine A J, Headmaster high school
Iverson, J, Stirling Street
Ivey Stephen R, Spencer Street S
James Arthur V, Stirling Street
James Francis J, Clarke Street
James Mrs E, Queens Street
Jane and Co, A J, motor garage Wellington Street
Jarvis Charles R, crtr Charles Street
Jarvis Edward T, Beach Road SB
Jarvis Frank, Jarvis Street
Jarvis Frederick J, storeman, Beach Road, SB
Jeanes W H car propr
Jeanes William, Charles Street
Jeffrey Alexander Lovegrove Avenue
Jenkins C J Parkfield Street
Jenour Charles G Solicitor (Eastman and J) Victoria
Joel Neville C, medical practice, Stirling Street
Johanson Mrs Ada, Rathmines
Johnson & Lynn Lyd, Shipping and coaling agts, Victoria
Johnson Frederick W, Eileen Street
Johnston Brothers, Dairyman, Leschenoult
Johnson Herbert F, Butter Co Ltd, Pr Spencer Street
Johnson John Foster, Stockley road
Johnston Miss E C Eliot Street
Johnston Mrs M, Spencer Street
Johnston William, poultry farrmer Australand Road
Jones Harry, Ommanney Street
Jones Henry Jarrah Street
Jones Herbert, com travel, Goode, Durrant & Co Jarrah
Jones Mrs E, Ommanney Street
Jones W E Indry Victoria Street
Kaeshagen W H, manager Nargrogin Trading CO PA
Picton Crescent
Keddie Andrew R, Mary Street
Keddie William, Rathmines
Kelly M J, Carrier and fuel Charles Street, pr Blackwood
Road South
Kelly Michael medical practice
Kelly Mrs Max Ocean Drive
Kendle Leon, The Strand
Kenny John O, market dealer Kings Road
Kenny Mrs Ann King Road
Kessell William A, Stockley Road
Kimber AN nurse Wittenoom Street
Kimber Miss F M, Molloy Street
Kimber Mrs A L, Spencer Street
King A G bdfhhse, Wellington Street
King C J customs offcr Wittenoom Street
King George H, Tuart Street
King James, Beach Road
King Mrs H Wellington Street
King William Carey Road
Kinnane P, Rose Street
Koombann Roller Flour Mills (A E Properjohn, manager),
The Strand
Laing James E, Spencer Street
Larkins Horace G Carey Street
Langlands Motors Ltd Stephen Street
Langlands D (L Mtrs ld)
Larkin and McKenna stnrs Wellington Street and Stephen
Larsen OW, Mininup Road
Lawrence Preston J Forrest Avenue
Legular B M A, Sterling Street
Levy Jack Spencer Street
Lewin Blanche, Grand Cent Coffee Pal, Victoria Street
pr, Picton
Lincer Henry C Wellington Street
Linn J G, blacksmith Ednie Street
Littlefair Albert Queen Street
Liverpool London and Globe Ins Co, Stephen Street
Locke Ltd C&H, furn whsemen, Wellington Street
Lucas Miss E, music teacher, Austral Parade
Luscombe E S, dentist, Wellington Street
Lyons Lois, Stirling Street
McCall Mrs S, Charles Street
McCaul James, const, Wittenoom Street
McCulloch, William, engr, Haigh Street
McDermid Mrs, Prince of Wales Hotel
McDonald John E, jun, Spencer Street
McEwan, Wiliam H, ppr Bunbury Stevedoring Co, pr
Wittenoom Street
Mcllwralth, Mceacharn and co pty ltd (Hayward and Sons
Ltd agents)
McKay Hugh V, sunshine Harv(Hayward & Son Ltd
McKenna W E, agt, Wittenoom Street
Mckenzie Donald, Beach Road
Mckenzie, John, Roe Street
McKerness G F, Wellington Street
McKernon John, Stanley Street
McKercher J, mercer, Victoria Street
Mcleod Mrs R, Moore Street
Mclernon Mrs I, Stanley Street
McKercher J, mercer, Victoria Street
Mcmahon William G, Thomas Street
Macnish, Jeffrey O, Pincep Street
McWean Miss N, teacher, Ocean Drive
Magi George, fishmonger Victoria Street
Main Roads Board Office, Stirling Street
Malden Mrs Nellie, Wellington Street
Maley Reverend Milton (Meth)
Manchester Assur Co Ltd Victoria Street
Manchester house, drapers, Victoria Street
Manning George, carpenter, Tuart Street (sth)
Marshall William, Teede Street
Martin, Frederick, Spencer Street
Martin Mrs Maggie, Jarrah Street
Martinson George, Zoe Street
Maslen, Stephen, Wittenoom Street
Maskell, Edward, Sampson Street
Maslin Miss A, Spencer Street
Masonic Temple, Wittenoom Street
Massey Harris Mchy Co
Mawdesley Stanley, Charles Street
Melbourne Steamship Co Ltd,(George Wills & Co Ltd,
Mercer J F, Princep Street
Meyer Henry, butcher Victoria Street
Michaelis and Athans fish supply, Victoria Street
Michells J, Rathmines
Midgley Frank, Russell Esplanade
Mighell J J, Queen st SB
Mill Daniel, cartaker Stirling Street
Millar's tim & Trading Co Ltd(S H Bradshaw,
manager),Carey Street
Miller, H E, (Miller's LT Depot) pr Rathmines
Miller H E, tailor
Miller Harry, Symmons Street
Miller Mrs A A, Fraser Street
Millers London Tailoring Depot Victoria Street
Milligan J, blacksmith Beach Road SB
Millligan William, mtr and cycle wks Arthur Street
Mills Mrs L, Eileen Street
Mitchell, Amy, florist, Victoria Street
Mitchell Ben, Tuart Street
Mitchell Miss Kate, Victoria Street
Moffat John William, Stuart Street
Moffat, Mrs Mary, George Street
Moignard, L J, Symmons Street
Monaghan Cyril J, Sampson Street
Mongoni, Mrs, matron Fresh Air league Home
Monitor Press Co, Arthur Street
Monkhouse John, Zoe Street
Moone R G, Clifton Street
Moorabinda Croquet Club (A V Parkes, secretary),
Sampson Street
Moore, Lewis, Forrest Avenue
Moore, I I, St Barbe
Morrris C D, accountant, Blackwood Road
Morris Robert H, Cross Street
Mort, Stella B, Stirling Street
Mouritz, Frank, Beach Road
Muir James, Ednie Street
Munckton Charles, Moore Street
Munro James, Rathmines
Murname M A, Ramsay mtrs Ltd, Spencer Street
Murray D and W, warehsemn sample rms Princep Street
Murray Arthur, tlr, Stephen Street pr Tuart Street
Musgroves Ltd (H C Smith mgr) mus whse
Narrogin Trading and Agency Co Ltd merchants
Nash George L, Zoe Street
Nash Isaac, Bray Street
National bank of Australia Ltd(L R Ferguson manager),
Victoria Street
Naylor Miss L, frtr and confr Spencer Street s
Naylor Mrs E Spencer Street
Neil Aubrey T, Park Street
Neil Mrs M A, Wittenoom Street
Neilson N C, Carey Park
Nelson Henry, Spencer Street
Newman G, Gordon htl Victoria Street
Newman L J F, High Street
NZ Ins Co ltd (Parkam agt) Wellington Street
Nichols Mrs A, Ednie Street
Nichols T H, impr Spencer Street
Nicholsons Ltd Victoria Street
Nilsson Axel Moore Street
Nimmo W, pastrycook Victoria Street
Nisbett James, Jarrah Street S by
Nix, Mrs Catherine, Molloy Street
Nocuan B Spencer Street
Norwich Un Ins Soc, Wellington Street
Nuttall, John, Arthur Street
Oakley Herbert Rathmines
O'Bryne William E, Moore Street
Ocean, Accid and guar Corp Ltd
O'connor H Molloy Street
Oddy T J bootmaker Stephen Street
Oliver William Harvey, confr and tea rooms, Stephen
Olsen, John H, plumber Spencer Street
Orchard, Arthur E Wellington Street
Orient RMS so, Stephen Street
O'Sullivan S, pntr and Sign writer Spencer Street
Owen Charles, Victoria Street
Owen David, Mary Street
Paddon, Mrs M, Carey Road
Pain Harold M K Charles Street
Paino and Basile shopkeepers, Victoria Street
Paisley Miss I, Ibrn, municipal library
Paisley Mrs M, Stirling Street
Palin Ltd R, drprs, Victoria Street
Parham A F Jarrah Street
Parham Mrs W, Picton Crescent
Parkes Arthur V, cham (mgr Carr's) Victoria Street
Parker, Rose, Karri Street
Parry D, secretary, Bunbury Gold Links
Pastime Cricket CLub
Pastime Football Club
Patterson Mrs Jane A, Wittenoom Street
Payne Harry, Queen Street
Pearce, Frank, Forrest Avenue
Pearce, G, Pier Hotel
Pearless Charles, Spencer Street
Peat John, engine driver, Zoe Street
Perkins James W, Kings Road
Phillips Harry, hairdresssr Victoria Street, pr, Symmons
Pickersgill George, Beach Road
Pickersgill Harry, Beach Road
Pickersgill Mrs George, Beach Road south
Pickersgill Joshua Beach Road S
Pickersgill Walter Moore Street
Pickersgill William Fielder Street
Piggot Edward J, Stirling Street
Platts, Herbert billiard saloon, Victoria Street pr
Symmons Street
Police Quaters, Wittenoom Street
Pope Mrs J, Braund Street
Pope William A, Charles Street
Power, Charles E, estate agent
Power William A, White Road
Prentice John, Braunt Street
Price Sydney, Tuart Street
Prichard J Lewis, dentist, Wellington Street, and Picton
Princess Theatre
Prior Charles, secretary, Railwawy Institute, Arthur Street
Properjohn E A, mgr, Spencer Street
Properjohn L, Karri, Street S
Prosser's Stores, Victoria Street
Prosser Robert junr Glbson Street Sth
Prosser Theodore, Stockley Road S
Prosser William, Rathmines
Punch, M, Wellington Hotel, Victoria Street
Radford John S, Beach Road
Rafferty William, Brashaw Street, SB
Railway Inst (Charles Prior, sec), Arthur Street
Ramsay Motors Ltd (M A Murnane, ppr) Spencer Street
Read Louis, Charles Street
Read, W J, hairdresser, Stephen Street
Reading G E, ppr, 'South Western Times' and 'Blackwood
Times' Victoria Street
Reat J S, bdghse, High Street
REchabite Hall (J L Hollis secretary), Princep Street
Recreation ground (J Hall, caretaker)
Rees, R, clerk of courts
Reid A R, accountant, 14 Wellington Street
Reid Mrs E S Spencer Street
Rendell Ernest A, Stanley Street
Rendell Harry M, baker, Moore Street
Renton, M, health inspector, Jarrah Street
Repacholi Mrs P, frtr and confr, Arthur Street
Repacholi Patrick, Impr, Arthur Street
Returned Soldiers Association (A Murray, sec)
Reynolds Charles E, Elliot Street
Richardson George, Spencer Street
Richardson Mrs Grace, Wittenoom Street
Riches Maude K, Tuart Street
Ridley Miss E (Alvia Hairdressing Sln)
RIley Charles E, Wellington Street
Robb, John, Karri Street
Roberts F W, Spencer Street
Roberts, Gordon W, Jarrah Street
Robertson, Evander S, High Street
Robertson Harold C, Beach Road
Robertson R W, Wittenoom Street
Robinson Mrs E, Spencer Street
Robinson Mrs S E M, Rathmines
Robinson Mrs Mary A, Wittenoom Street
Robinson Walter C, Clifton Street
Rochfort Frank, fisheries inspector, Spencer Street
Rodgers Charlotte, Blackwood Road
Rogers Dennis, Thomas Street
Rodwell Andrew, Spencer Street S
Rodwell George, Holsey Street
Rodwell, Clarence, Latrielle Street
Rose Hotel (E J Saunders, ppr)
Rose Ann, B, Parkfield Street
Rose Arnold J, Austral Parade
Rose, Edwin, station owner, Spencer Street
Rose Mrs M A, Beach Road
Rose Percival, farmer, Moorlands
Rose Piercy H, Rose Street
Ross, Alex, railway ganger
Rosser, E J, fire stn, Princep Street
Rowe, A W, confr and pastry cook, Lovegrove Avenue
Rowland Miss M, Spencer Street south
Royal Ins Co, Stephen Street
Rural Mtrs Ltd, Stephen Street
Russel, W, rep Singers, Wellington Street
Ryder and Co, NC, accountants Stephen Street
Ryder, Norm C (Ryder and Co) pr, Karri Street, S B
St Davids Church (C of E) Spencer Street, SB
St John of God Hospital, Bury Hill
St Joseph School (RC) (Rev Mother Finian) Wittenoom
St Paul's Cathedral (Bishop Cecil Wilson), (Eng)
St Clair's Private Hosp (nurse Matilda Browne) ,
Lovegrove Avenue
St Patrick's Church (RC) , Church Hill
Salvarez J Cavalier Cafe
Sanders Arthur, Reading Street SB
Sandridge Park Gold Club Hstl
Schmittea F, Eileen Street
Sargent Cecil H, Blackwood Road
Scott John, Consitituion Road SB
Scott Joseph E, Norwood Road
Scott Walter, blacksmith Moore Street
Shannahan Mrs J, ighse, Wittenoom Street
Sharp Harry W, Moore Street Sth
Sharpe, Alfred E, Albert Road
Sharpe J A (mgr Tippings ltd) Tuart Street
Shaw Archibald O, Wellington Street
Shaw Dugald J, Oakley Street
Shaw Hugh T, Tuart Street, S Bunbury
Sheard, Eric E, Molloy Street
Shearer, John, chemist, Arthur Street pr, Spencer Street
Shenstone Mrs Ann J, Ocean bch Tea Rooms
Shepherd F W l pr, Armitage Road
Sheppard Alfred T, electn, Albert Road
Sherry, H H, Cash and Carry Stores Victoria Street
Shute Rufus, manager, Bunning Bros Stirling Street
Summons John W, impr, Blackwood Road
Simpson Edward Bart, Symmons Street
Simpson Homer J, Moore Street
Sinclair Daniel L, Symmonds Street
Sinclair J T, lighthouse keeper, Carey Street
Sisters of St Elizabeth, Spencer Street
Slade Frank S, Stone Street
Slee Charles E Princep Street
Slee and Anderson, Solicitors Stephen Street
Slee, F D (S and Anderson, Spencer Street)
Sloan James H, fishmonger, Austral Parade
Sloan W G, vetenary surgeon, Victoria Street pr Jarrah
Smart, Robert A, secretary, St Johns Ambulance Assoc,
pr, Eliot Street
Smeeth, Thomas J, Buchanan Street
Smith Alfred confr and frtr, Stirling Street
Smith Arthur, engine driver, Wittenoom Street
Smith C H (manager Musgroves Ltd)
Smith Frank D, Eliot Street
Smith John, Charles Street
Smith Luke Moore Street
Smith, Mrs C, Wollaston Street
Solomon H, Charles Street
Sth Bunbury Football Club, Spencer Street
South British Fire Ins Co Ld (Hayward and Son Lf, agts)
South-West Co-operative Dairy Farmers Ltd.
Head Office, Bunbury. (Manager, L M, Bentley.) Tels
Bunbury 100 and 264 Factories also at Busselton,
Harvey, Manjimup, Margaret River, Pemberton, and
Bridge Town.
South Western Club, Stirling Street
South Western Newspaper co Ltd (George E Reading
South Western Timber Hewers Assn, Victoria Street
South Western Times, newspaper
South West (affiliated), Traders Assoc Wellington Street
Southward Clem, Spencer Street south
Spencer and Co AF, frwdg and com agts, Victoria Street
Spencer Mrs, M A, Stirling Street (sth)
Springman E L car ppr Wellington Street
Stafford Mrs L, Symmonds Street
Staples Charles G, store, Rathmines
State Agric Bk (J J White mgr)
State School (Miss Thomson teacher) Queen Street S
Steere Edith, secretary, Bunbury Bldg Soc
Steer Frederick W, architect, Wellington Street
Stephens Miss C, teacher Stockley Road
Stephens Richard Symmons Street
Stevens Walter J, Zoe Street
Steward James, Rathmines
Stokes and Co Thomas, aerated water mfrs Wellington
Stokes Alfred Tuart Street
Stubbs, Charles J, Jnr, carrier Stirling Street
Styants J E, sergt pol, Clifton Street
Sturmer Bros, bakers, Stirling Street
Sulas Nicholas, Sterling Street
Sullivan Tim, ftlr, Queensbury Street
Sun Sung, market gardener, Beach rd, S Bunbury
Swanson, A D, mgr, Lyric Pict Theatre, Victoria Street
Swanson, Samuel A, Symmonds Street
Sweeting, L, Banksia Street
Sweeting, Lily, Vasse Street
Swensen, B, Carey Street
Symes, Phillips, Princep Street
Symnonds, Lawrence, railway employee, Oakley Street
Synes P, bdghse
Tassel William, Wittenoom Street
Taylors Confrs and greengrocers Arthur Street
Taylor Alfred, Charles Street
Taylor David C, bootmaker Australind Road
Taylor George, frtr and Confr Victoria Street pr Karri
Taylor Harry, Kings Road
Taylor Mrs Maud E, Spencer Street SB
Teede D V, hairdresser and tobacconist Victoria Street
pr Spencer Street
Teede E M, Stirling Street
Teede G H Wellington Street
Teede George, hairdresser and tobacconist Stephen
Street, pr Picton Crescent
Teede John S, comp, Stanley Street
Texas Oil Co (Aust) Ld, Zoe Street
Thomas and Co, Chemists, Victoria Street
Thomas Frederick, Queensbury Street sth
Thomas Mrs H Wellington Street
Thomsons Ltd mtr gar, Arthur Street
Thomson, Miss F, teacher, Queen Street
Thorley M, Stirling Street
Tiernan Edwin, Sampson Street S
Timberman Corp Ltd (AF Spencer and Co, agents)
Tindall and Freeman, grocers Victoria Street
Tippings Ltd (J A Sharpe mgr) Victoria Street
Tobitt George Edward Street
Toc H
Tomkins, Thomas C, Stirling Street
Tomkinson, C H, butcher, Spencer Street Sth
Trevena Edward G, Karri Street
Trigwell Arthur T, farrier, Stephen Street, pr Beach Road
Trott George F, Rathmines
Trott Henry J, Rathmines
Trott James Beach Road
Trotter R F O, head teacher, Bun SS, Arthur Street, pr
Stirling Street
Tuck Lillian Forrest Avenue
Turner, George, Stirling Street
Tweedie Mrs Margaret, Jarrah Street
Tyler Enoch E, Forrest Avenue
Union Bank (S Atkinson manager)
Uren, N R, Hardware merchant, Victoria Street
Uren S E Tuart Street
Urquhart George, Austral Parade
Urquhart John, Stirling Street
Vacuum Oil Co Pty Ltd Henry Street
Vaughan William A, boiler maker, Ednie Street
Veale Victor, Francis Street
Veale Micheal J, Francis Street
Veale Patrick, Carey Road sth
Verschuer J, Clifton Street
Victoria Tea Rooms (Angus and Son V) Victoria Street
Viking Seperators (Thomas Tayward and Son ld, sole
Walker Edwin Tuart Street
Walker Ernest, Symmons Street
Walker Harold butcher Stephen Street
Walker John Spencer Street
Walker John L, solicitor, Picton Crescent
Walker Mrs E, mus instrss Victoria Street
Walker Robert, Spencer Street
Wallace Mrs Mary J, Stirling Street
Wallis, Matt E, mgr Comci Club, pr, Carey Street
Wallis, Mrs D, Carey Street
Wallis Mrs G, Estelle, Zoe Street
Wallrodt, S, butcher Victoria Street SB
Ward, H L, Banksia Street
Wasley Henry J, Stirling Street
Wass Mrs J (Fouracre and W) Cross Street
Waters Mrs Francis E, Queensbury Street
Watson, S, mgr Geo Wills and Co
Watts, Miss M, Matron, Womens hosp Stirling Street
Watts May E, bdg hse, Symmons Street
Webb Ernest, The Strand
Webber Frederick, Stirling Street
Webster Herbert Russel Esplanade
Wedge, John, Bray Street
Wedgewood Norm (mgr Shell oil Co Ltd) Victoria Street
Wellington Agricultural and Pastrol Society
Wellington Hotel (M E Punch)
Wells Ernest J, fltr Oakley Street
Wendt, Mrs H, Jarrah Street
Wenn Clarence R, Victoria Street
Wenn, Doug James, Wittenoom Street
Wenn, H, Halsey Street
Wenn M A, Armitage Street
Wenn Terence, Gibson Street (s)
Westralian Farmers Ltd Stephen Street
Wharton Richard H, Symmons Street
Wheeler William, Rathmines
Whelan Mrs F, confr and tea rms, Stephens Street
White A J railway employee, Moore Street
White, Mary A, Stirling Street
White, Mrs M, Albert Road
Wight and Emmett, produce merchants, Wellington
Wight Charles H, Arthur Street
Wilkes F, King Road
Wilkinson, John Tuart Street SE
Williams, H C, Picton
Williams J B, Albert Road
Williams, Peter, Charles Street
Wills and Co, George merchants and shipping agents
Wills and Co Ltd G and R, wrehsmn, smple rms, Prinsep
Wilson, Florence, Clifton Street
Wilson, Right Reverend Cecil DD (Bishop of Bunbury)
Winwood Arthur C, Stocklay Road
Winwood, Mrs M, Wellington Street
Withers, Edward H, Carrier Rathmines
Withers Frederick J, MLA, Albert Road
Women's Hosp (Miss M Watts matron) , Stirling Street
Wood C, stnr, Victoria Street, pr, Spencer Street
Wood Jesse Wittenoom Street
Woodhead Mrs M, Stephen Street
Woodhead, Mrs M A, Stirling Street
Woods Joseph, M, Rathmines
Wright, Mrs A, dressmaker, Victoria Street
Yardley Frank engine driver
Yorkshire Insurance Co, Victoria Street
Young Jesse S, Beach Road
Young Mrs M, Wellington Street
Zampatti, John, manager, Ezywalkin Ltd, Victoria Street
Henry H. Abrahamson
Archdeacon Henry J. Adams
Arthur A. Adamson
Charles James Adcock
Eli Allen
Hartley M. Anderson
Ian W. Anderson
Miss Elizabeth A. Anderson
Harry B. Andrews
Thomas J. Aram
John R. Armstrong
Constantine Athans
George Atkins
Frank E. Auguston
Henry E. Austin
James L. Banting
Thomas J. Banting
John C. Barboutis
Edwin Bartlett
Ellen Bartley
Sampson Beaglehole
Henry Beauglehole
Gustav A. Becker
George Beer
Lilly Beer
Robert Beer jnr
William J Beer
Arthur R. Benson
Alex Bickley
Harry C. Biffen
Eric Birch
John Birchall
David P. Black
George Blythe
Herbert Blythe
Horace Blythe
John L. Bolden
Raydon Borret
Frederick Bostock
William H. Bostock
Alfred H. Boulter
Eric C. Bowden
Frederick Boyce
John P. Boyce
Arthur F. Bradley
Stan H. Bradshaw
James Bray
Walter Brede
Alfred Bright
Alfred E. Brittain
James E. Brittain
Percy D. Brittain
George F. Britza
Sydney Brodie
Albert W. Brown
Michael Brown
George Bruce
George R. Buck
James Buck
Roy B. Buck
George Bunn
William E. C. Burcham
William A. Burnell
Albert Buswell
Arthur W. Buswell
Claude H. Buswell
Llewellyn J. Buswell
Joseph Butler
George Cahill
Frederick Samuel Caporn
George J. Caporn
Harry Carlson
Joseph Carroll
Robert Carter
Samuel Carter
Thomas P. Chadd
Edward Chapman
Frank H. Chester
Albert Chinery
Allan D. Christie
Bret Clarke
Jack A. Clarke
James C. Clarke
William T. Clifford
Richard H. Clifton
John Cole
Frederick W. Coles
George C. Connor
Henry R. Cook
Edward Cooke
John J. Cooke
Wilfred F. Cooke
Edward Corbett
Apostolas Coutas
Les M. Cowan
George COx
Lewis J. Craddock
Albert C. Cres
Arthur B. Crdland
George Cridland
Henry W. Cridland
Teresa Cross
William R. Cross
David H. Crute
Robert Culph
Flora Dale
Henry Dale
Mrs Dora Dale
Mrs Mary E. Dalton
Joseph Daniel
Frederick J. B. Davis-Moore
Mrs Hilda Dean
William T. Delaney
Aubrey G. Delaporte
Herbert T. Delaporte
Horace Delaporte
Richard Delaporte
Subert A. Delaporte
Thomas R. Delaporte
John Delfs
Herbert E. Denning
William L. Denning
John Depiazzi
Arnold L. Diggins
John Dillon
Terence J. Dillon
Thomas Dillon
Charles Dodson
Clair Donaldson
Frederick G. Donaldson
Captain James Donaldson
Tom L. Donaldson
Frank R. Donovan
John Donovan
Percy Donovan
Thomas G. Downes
Patrick Doyle
Caroline Duce
Edward Duff
Kenn McC. Eastman
CaptainRowly R. Edwards
Charles Eggleston
George D. Ellson
Howard Emmett
James N. English
Arthur J. Ennis
George Evans
Percy J. Evans
Samuel J. Evill
Joseph Farness
Alex Farnsworth
Harry Farquhar
Emerson H. Featherstone
William H. Fee
Thomas Fenlon
Olive Ferguson
Percival G. Fitch
Henry Fleming
George Flindell
George S. Flindell
Ignatius J. Flynn
Percy Foale
Arthur R. Foreman
James Forster
Mrs Margaret Foss
George Fowler
Russell A. Fowler
Lionel Foxwell
Annie Freeman
Leslie L. Freeman
Arthur J. Frewin
David Frewln
Roland Fritchley
Robert Ganfield
William Ganfield
Harry J. Gardiner
Fred C. Gates
Mrs Jane Gibbs
Charles R. Gibson
Clarence Gibson
George Gibson
Harold E. Gibson
Henry Gibson
Jesse Gibson
Leonard Gibson
Walter Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson
Clifton Gillet
Robert B. Gilmour
James Glencross
Matt Goodland
Harry A. Gorman
Lawrence Gorman
Albert V. Goss
George Green
Mrs Emily Green
May E. Greenmount
Robert W. Gregory
Lilian S Greive
Bernard C. Griffen
Mark Griffiths
Thomas Griffiths
Rudolph W. Guppy
Walter S. Hales
Charles F. Halkyard
John Hail
Chris Hansen
Mrs Elizabeth Hanson
Elizabeth Harland
Richard Hartzer
Charles A. Hastie
James F. Hastie
James L. Hastie
Robert Hastie
Robert Hastie
Thomas Hastie
Walter Hastie
William Hastie
Albert E. Hay
Alexander Hayes
Andrew Hayes
James Hayes
Very Reverend Dean Peter Hayes
Reginald Hayes
Thomas W. Healy
John W. Heatly
Laura Heeps
Clarence Henderson
Robert Henderson
Henry L. Henshaw
Sydney Hicks
David M. Higgon
Henry Hobbs
John Hollis
Robert Hollole
Alfred E. Holloway
John Holmgren
Norm G. Holtzman
Lionel R. Honey
Aubrey S. Horn
Sydney A. Horne
Herbert Hosking
Ada C. Hornsby
Charles L. Hotchin
James Hough
Percy Hough
Albert House
Charles H. House
Mrs Susan House
John Houstan
Thomas Hovey
Frank Howard
James Hughs
John Hughs
Charles M. Hunter
John Hunter
George Alfred Inman
Stephan R. Ivey
Arthur V. James
Francis J. James
Charles R. Jarvis
Edward T. Jarvis
Frank Jarvis
Frederick J. Jarvis
William Jeanes
Alexander Jeffrey
Charles G. Jenour
Neville C. Joel
Mrs Ada Johanson
Fred W. Johnson
Herbert F. Johnson
John Foster Johnson
William Johnston
Harry Jones
Herbert Jones
Andrew R. Keddie
William Keddie
Mrs Max Kelly
Leon Kendle
John O. Kenny
Ann Kenny
William A. Kessell
George H. King
James King
William King
James E, Laing
Horace G. Larkins
Preston J. Lawrence
Jack Levy
Blanche Lewin
Harry C. Lincer
Albert Littlefair
Lois Lyons
James McCaul
William McCulloch
John E. McDonald
William H. McEwan
Hugh V. McKay
Donald McKenzie
John McKenzie
John McKernon
William G. McMahon
Jeffrey O. Macnish
George Magi
Nellie Malden
Reverend Milton Maley
George Manning
William Marshall
Fred Martin
Mrs Maggie Martin
George Martinson
Stephen Maslen
Edward Maskell
Harris Massey
Stanley Mawdesley
Henry Meyer
Frank Midgley
Daniel Mill
Harry Miller
William Milligan
Amy Mitchell
Ben Mitchell
Miss Kate Mitchell
John William Moffat
Mrs Mary Moffat
Cyril J. Monaghan
John Monkhouse
Lewis Moore
Robert H. Morris
Stella B. Mort
Frank Mouritz
James Muir
Charles Munckton
James Munro
Arthur Murray
George L. Nash
Isaac Nash
Aubrey T. Neal
Henry Nelson
Axel Nilsson
James Nisbett
Mrs Catherine Nix
John Nuttall
Herbert Oakley
William E. O'Byrne
William Harry Oliver
John H. Olsen
Arthur E. Orchard
Charles Owen
David Owen
Harold M.K. Pain
Arthur V. Parkes
Rose Parker
Mrs Jane A. Patterson
Harry Payne
Frank Pearce
Charles Pearless
John Peat
James W. Perkins
Harry Phillips
George Pickersgill
Harry Pickersgill
Mrs George Pickersgill
Joshua Pickersgill
Walter Pickersgill
William Pickersgill
Edward J. Piggot
Herbert Platts
William A. pope
Charles E. Power
William A. Power
John Prentice
Sydney Price
J. Lewis Prichard
Charles Prior
Robert Prosser
Theodore Prosser
William Prosser
John S. Radford
William Rafferty
Louis Read
Ernest A. Rendell
Harry M. Rendell
Patrick Repacholi
Charles E. Reynolds
George Richardson
Mrs Grace Richardson
Maude K. Riches
Charles E. Rlley
John Robb
Gordon W. Roberts
Evander S. Robertson
Harold C. Robertson
Mrs Mary A. Robinson
Walter C. Robinson
Frank Rochfort
Charlotte Rodgers
Dennis Rodgers
Andrew Rodwell
George Rodwell
Clarence Rodwell
Ann B. Rose
Arnold J. Rose
Edwin Rose
Percival Rose
Piercy H. Rose
Alex Ross
Norm C. Ryder
Arthur Sanders
Cecil H. Sargent
Johanathon Scott
Joseph E. Scott
Walter Scott
Harry W. Sharp
Alfred E. Sharpe
Archibald O. Shaw
Dugald J. Shaw
Hugh T. Shaw
Eric E. Sheard
John Shearer
Mrs Ann J. Shenstone
Alfred T. Sheppard
Rufus Shute
John W. Summons
Edward Bart Simpson
Homer J. Simpson
Daniel L. Sinclair
Frank S. Slade
Charles E. Slee
James H. Sloan
Robert A. Smart
Thomas J. Smeeth
Alfred Smith
Arthur Smith
Frank D. Smith
John Smith
Luke Smith
Clement Southward
Charles G. Staples
Edith Steere
Frederick W. Steer
Richard Stephans
Walter J. Stevens
James Steward
Alfred Stokes
Charles J. Stubbs
Nicholas Sulas
Tim Sullivan
Sung Sun
Samuel Swanson
Lily Sweeting
Phillips Symes
Lawrence Symnonds
William Tassel
Alfred Taylor
David C. taylor
George Taylor
Harry Taylor
Mrs Maud E. Taylor
George Teede
John S. Teede
Frederick Thomas
Edwin Tiernan
George Tobitt
Thomas C. Tomkins
Edward G. Trevena
Arthur T. Trigwell
George F. Trott
Harry J. Trott
James Trott
Lillian Tuck
George Turner
Mrs Margaret Tweedie
Enoch E. Tyler
George Urquhart
John Urquhart
William A. Vaughan
Victor Veale
Michael J. Veale
Patrick Veale
Edwin Walker
Ernest Walker
Harold Walker
John Walker
John L. Walker
Robert Walker
Mrs Mary J. Wallace
Matt E. Wallis
Henry J. Wasley
Mrs Francis E. Waters
May E. Watts
Ernest Webb
Frederick Webber
Herbert Webster
John Wedge
Norm Wedgewood
Ernest J. Wells
Clarence R. Wenn
Doug James Wenn
Terence Wenn
Richard H. Wharton
William Wheeler
Mary A. White
Charles H. Wight
John Wilkinson
Peter Williams
Florence Wilson
Right Reverend Cecil D.D. Wilson
Arthur C. Winwood
Edward Henry Withers (1857-1942)
Frederick J. Withers
Jesse Wood
Joseph M. Woods
Frank Yardley
Jesse S. Young
John Zampatti