Dictionary of Abbreviations


Abbreviation TRANSLATION

Aasia. (Australasia)

Ac. (Acres)

A.D.C. (Aide-De-Camp)

Advtg. (Advantage)

Afts. (Affiliates)

Ag. (Agents)

Agcy. (Agency)

Agr. (Agricultural)

Agric. (Agricultural)

Arr. (Arrival)

Ass. (Assistant)

Assoc. (Association)

Asst. (Assistant)

Auctr. (Auctioneer)

Av. (Avenue)

B. (Birth)

BSmith. (Blacksmith)

Bd. (Board)

Bdg. (Building)

Bdng. (Boarding)

Ben. (Benificial)

Bp. (Baptised)

Brit. (Brittish)

Brkmkr. (Brickmaker)

Bt. (Bought)

Btmkr. (Bootmaker)

Btn. (Battalion)

Butt. (Butter)

CWlth. (Commonwealth)

Cab. (Cabinet)

C/E. (Church of England)

C.F. (Certificate of Freedom)

Ch. (Charge)

Chd. (Children)

Chmb. (Chamber)

Chem. (Chemist)

Clk. (Clerk)

Co. (Company)

Co-op. (Co-operative)

Col. (Colonial)

Com. (Commercial)

Comel. (Commercial)

Comn. (Common)

Confr. (Confectioner)

Cong. (Congressional)

Const. (Constable)

Coy. (Company)

Cres. (Crescent)

Crptr. (Carpenter)

D. (Death)

Dec. (December)

Dent. (Dentist)

Dep. (Deported/Departed/Deputy)

Dept. (Department)

Div. (Division)

Dlr. (Driller)

Dtr. (Daughter)

Educ. (Education)

Electn. (Electrician)

Emp. (Employee)

Eng. (Engineer/England)

Est. (Estate)

Estab. (Established)

Etc. (Et Cetera)

Exors. (Exporters)

Expiree (Convicts that has served their sentence)

Far. (Farrier)

Fcty. (Factory)

Fed. (Federal)

Fncy. (Fancy)

Frem. (Fremantle)

Fremn. (Foreman)

Frtr. (Fruiter)

Gar. (Gardener)

Gds. (Goods)

Gen. (General)

Golr. (Gaoler)

Govt. (Government)

Gram. (Grammar)

Grers. (Gardeners/Green growers)

H.Q. (Headquarters)

Harb. (Harbor)

Harv. (Harvest/Harvey)

Hlth. (Health)

Ho. (House)

Hon. (Honorary)

Hortic. (Horticulture)

Hosp. (Hospital)

Htl. (Hotel)

I.O.R. (Independent Order of Rechabites)

Impr. (Importer)

Inq. (Inquiry)

Ins. (Institute/Insurance)

Instr. (Instructor)

Invest. (Investment)

Irnmgrs. (Ironmongers)

J.P. (Justice of Peace)

Jun. (Junior)

Kgs. (Kingsley)

Kpr. (Keeper)

Lbr. (Laborer/Liberal/Librarian)

Lesch. (Leschenault)

Ld. (Limited)

Lit. (Light)

Loc. (Local/Location)

Loco. (Locomotive)

Lt. (Lieutenant)

Ltd. (Limited)

M. (Married)

M. of Exec. (Member of the Executive)

Man. (Maintenance/Manager)

Mat. (Matron)

Mchts. (Merchants)

Mers. (Merchants)

Meth. (Methodist)

Mfr. (Manufacturer)

Mgr. (Manager)

M.H.R. (Member of the House of Representatives

M.L.A. (Member of the Legislative Assembly)

M.L.C. (Member of the Legislative Council)

Mng. (Manager)

Mngrss. (Manageress)

Mths. (Months)

N.W. (North West)

N.S.W. (New South Wales)

N.T. (Northern Territory)

Nee. (Maiden Name)

Newsp. (Newspaper)

Nth. (North)

Off. (Office/Officer/Official)

P.M. (Post Master)

Pal. (Palace)

Par. (Parade)

Perm. (Permanent)

Phys. (Physical)

Pntr. (Painter)

Pol. (Police)

Ppr. (Proprietor)

Pres. (President)

Priv. (Private)

Prom. (Promoted)

Propr. (Proprietor)

Propy. (Property)

Prot. (Protestant)

Prov. (Provence)

Pt. (Point)

Pte. (Private)

Py. (Property)

QLand. (Queensland)

Qld. (Queensland)

R.A. (Royal Artillery)

R.C. (Roman Catholic)

Rec. (Recreational)

Reg. (Registered)

Regt. (Regiment)

Rep. (Representative)

Res. (Reserve)

Ret. (Retired)

Rev. (Reverend)

Rds. (Roads)

Rly. (Railway)

S.A. (South Australia)

Sal. (Salvation)

Sec. (Secretary)

Secr. (Security)

Sen. (Senior)

Sgt. (Sargent)

Soc. (Society)

Solr. (Solicitor)

St. (Saint/Street)

Sth. (South)

Stn. (Station)

Stnrs. (Stationer)

Sup. (Support)

Surv. (Surveyor)

Synd. (Syndicate)

T.L. (Ticket of Leave)

Tas. (Tasmania)

Tdg. (Trading)

Tele. (Telephone)

Ter. (Terrace)

Tim. (Timber)

Tmkpr. (Time Keeper)

Tob. (Tobacconist)

Trav. (Travel)

U.K. (United Kingdom)

Unm. (Unmarried)

Vet. (Veterinary)

Vic. (Victoria)

W.A. (Western Australia)

Wes. (Wesley (Uniting Church)/West/ Western)

Whlwght. (Wheelwright

Wid. (Widowed)

Yrs. (Years)


Compiled by Reece Matthews for the Museum of Perth’s Streets of Bunbury Project