Father Christmas Visits Bunbury 1911

Father Christmas at the Silver Chain Christmas Fete 1917

Western Mail Fri 21 Dec 1917 Page 3

Photo courtesy of the National Library of Australia

In December 1911 the Southern Times reported: “We have received a wireless telegraph from Santa Claus Land, reading as follows :—"Father Christmas visiting Bunbury to-morrow (Christmas Eve) arriving In Victoria Street soon after 8 p.m. Tell every child in Bunbury to be out and meet him, to get a bag of sweets." Soon after getting the wire we rang up Toy-land, and they told us that Father Christmas was on his way, and would go up and down Victoria Street tomorrow evening, dressed in all his glory, in a gaily-decorated motor car, giving free lollies to every child. As one thousand bags of lollies have been got ready, not one kiddie in Bunbury should miss getting his or her bag (reference).”

The Bunbury Herald also heard of the event: “Glad news for the kiddies! Father Christmas, in all his traditional raiment, will arrive in Bunbury this evening, being due to reach Victoria Street at half-past eight o'clock. For this special occasion he will use a motor car, the sledge being unsuitable for our roads and climate. We understand that good old Santa Claus will have the motor car highly decorated, and that it will be loaded hood-high with sweetmeats. These will be passed out to every boy and girl who approaches the car, which he will pull up at frequent intervals. Such a glad time as never was for the juveniles of Bunbury (reference).” 

When it came to Christmas Eve, the streets of Bunbury were crowded with the children anxiously awaiting Father Christmas (reference). He arrived in a decorated car and distributed gifts to the young (reference).