Jellied Chicken

PUBLISHED IN Sunday Times 29 December 1907


1 chicken

1 small onion

1 blade of mace

A few peppercorns

2 cloves


1 egg white and shell

1 hard boiled egg

Sliced beetroot




Boil a fowl, allowing a pint of water to each lb. of its weight; cook until very tender and skim carefully. Take out the chicken and skin it, and remove the flesh from the bones, return the bones to the saucepan and cook till the stock is reduced to half quantity; strain and set till quite cold. Skim off the fat and turn the jelly into a clean saucepan, carefully removing all sediment; to each pint add ½ oz. of gelatin, which has been soaked till soft in sufficient water to just cover it. Add a small onion, few peppercorns, a blade of mace, two cloves, some celery, and salt to taste, white and shell of an egg. Boil up and simmer for twenty minutes ; then strain and allow it to cool; when the jelly is cold, but still liquid, pour a little into a plain mould, which is garnished with sliced beetroot and hard-boiled egg. When this thin layer of jelly is set, fill the centre of the mould with alternate layers of white and dark meat of the chicken, which has been cut into strips, then pour in the remainder of the jelly around and over; set aside in a cold place to harden, and when firm unmould.

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Submitted by Mrs W. J. Fisher, Australind