George was buried in Picton on 04/03/1904. He married Eliza Frances Hill (1830-19/8/1902) in Bunbury on 13/11/1868. Eliza was also buried in Picton. Her parents were David and Mary (maiden name Campbell) from Scotland. Eliza arrived on 26/03/1963 on the Strathmore. George and Eliza's child was Mary C (1869-). George was stationed at Toodyay in 1867 as warden of the convict establishment. He arrived at Bunbury as a farmer in the 1860s and was a keeper in 1870 of public houses "plough and Harrow ", "Frogmore" and "Taulton Vale", Dardanup (1885). George employed 34 ticket of leave men on occasions from 1865-1879. ·